General Theory of Magic course. The series of articles

Articles from the General Theory of Magic (GTM) course

The General Theory of Magic. Lesson 1:

  • General Theory of Magic. GTM Lesson 1 Part 1
  • Magic: What Is It? GTM Lesson 1 Part 2
  • The Source Of Magical Power. GTM Lesson 1 Part 3
  • The Proto-Foundations: What Are They? GTM Lesson 1 Part 4.1
  • The Development Of The System Of Proto-Foundations. GTM Lesson 1 Part  4.2
  • What Is The Purpose Of Reading Magical Literature? GTM Lesson 1 Part 5

The General Theory of Magic. Lesson 2

  • Research Magical Formulas. GTM Lesson 2 Part 1
  • The Consciousness Of A Mage And The Consciousness Of A Human Being: What Is The Difference? GTM Lesson 2 Part 2
  • Developing The Consciousness Of A Mage. GTM Lesson 2 Part 3
  • A Sorcerer In A World Of People. GTM Lesson 2 Part 4
  • The Influence Of Literature On Consciousness. GTM Lesson 2 Part 5

The General Theory of Magic. Lesson 3

  • How To Recognize Your Own Magic? GTM Lesson 3 Part 1
  • The Law Of Cause And Effect. GTM Lesson 3 Part 2
  • Reality Programming. GTM Lesson 3 Part 3
  • The Stages Of Creating A New Reality. GTM Lesson 3 Part 4

The General Theory of Magic. Lesson 4

  • The Rules For The Coexistence Of Different Systems. GTM Lesson 4 Part 1
  • New Religion. GTM Lesson 4 Part 2
  • How To Determine System Uniqueness? GTM Lesson 4 Part 3
  • The Source Of Nourishment For A New System. GTM Lesson 4 Part 4
  • Changing The Circles Of Proto-Foundations. GTM Lesson 4 Part 5
  • The Principles Of Reality Building. GTM Lesson 4 Part 6.1
  • The Principles Of Reality Building. GTM Lesson 4 Part 6.2

The General Theory of Magic. Lesson 5

  • Magical Transition. GTM Lesson 5 Part 1
  • The Principles Of Reality Building. GTM Lesson 5 Part 2