The Power of the Bloodline, AD LIB Department.

The Power of the Bloodline

The workshop “The Power of the Bloodline” is dedicated to the ancient knowledge of the ancestors, to the secrets accumulated through generations and hidden in the genes; to the structure of the bloodline, its hierarchy and currents; to understanding the advantages and limitations that the bloodline gives and imposes. 

In the depths of each woman’s memory is a long forgotten knowledge. This knowledge is the secret of her bloodline. This secret is in her blood. It has been passed down to each woman from all female ancestors. They have intuitively preserved this knowledge, carrying it through grief and disappointment, through war and the death of loved ones. They went to the stake and to the scaffold, they overcame humiliation and betrayal, slander and treason. They have been through it all, but they have kept this knowledge, they have preserved it.

Yes, that’s right. Ancestral knowledge is only passed down through the female line, and women are the true keepers of that knowledge.

A man gives energy to the bloodline and a woman gives information.

What is this information all about, what is the secret that is hidden in your genes and how you can unlock it will be discussed in this workshop.

Ancient legends have preserved for us stories of great magicians, veduns and volkhvs, ancient bards and storytellers. They were all carriers of unique unwritten knowledge, but they were all men. The history of the pagan priesthood has not preserved for us the information that the priests of the cults were women.

But during the medieval witch hunts, it was women, not men, who suffered the worst persecution: the bonfires blazed where the new faith was planted by fire and sword, and it was women who were burned at the stake. So why were they the ones on fire and not the male practitioners?

The fact is that those who brought paganism to its knees knew very well that it was not enough to destroy the carrier and user of information. To completely eliminate knowledge, its owner and keeper must be destroyed. So that she would not be able to pass this knowledge on to anyone, so that the great secret, the revelation of which could change not only the life of one person but also the fate of entire nations, would be irrevocably lost. Knowledge that can change this World and the course of history, open the eyes to the truth and free people’s lives from false illusions.

This secret is hidden within you, waiting to be revealed.

For a very long time, the sacred knowledge of tens (!) of generations of women has been carefully and professionally destroyed, not allowed to be revealed and to enter the world.  Is it any wonder that you, an adult and intelligent woman, still know nothing of the power hidden within you?

In a time of distorted understanding of patriarchy, where women played the role of servants, dependent on men’s opinions for everything, hidden knowledge was not allowed to influence our lives.  For many hundreds of years this information lay dormant, waiting for the hour when your willpower would awaken and the need to take control of your life would become so unbearable that it would be impossible to restrain.

This workshop will help you to unlock the inner potential that your ancient ancestors left you. You will learn about the structure of the Bloodline and the hierarchy that exists within it. You’ll be able to identify your place in this hierarchy and the benefits that come with it.

You will learn what the currents of power are and how to attract them using only the power and knowledge of your ancestors.

If you are a woman, you have a responsibility to reveal the secret of your Bloodline. But it is very difficult to do this without knowing the basic laws. You will have to go by feel, like a blind man wandering in a maze, to create a path for yourself and your children that will help you to survive and become successful, happy and wealthy. But how can you walk this Path without knowledge? It’s almost impossible.

Because ignorance can lead you down a blind alley, and you’ll be forced to turn back again and again in search of a new path to happiness. Will your life be enough for this quest?

Don’t waste your time, gain knowledge.

In this workshop you will learn about topics such as:

  • – The Structure of the Bloodline
  • – A Bloodline as an egregore
  • – The distribution of the currents of power within the Bloodline 
  • – What is the place of each family member in the structure of the Bloodline?
  • – The Regina of a Kin. Who she is and how to recognize her.
  • – The Regina of a Kin. Functions, rights and duties
  • – How to calculate the algorithm of ancestral karma
  • – The currents of power. What is the main current of power within your Bloodline?
  • – Karmic enemies
  • – How to attract the currents of power to the Bloodline
  • – Practice: Connecting with the Founder to find the current of power
  • – Answers to the questions from the participants

This course is mainly recommended for women. However, men are also welcome.

Admission: completion of the 4 basic lessons of the 1st Main course

Duration: 3 -4 days (3 hours each). Individual research is required during the breaks between classes.

These seminars will be available in English soon! Stay tuned!

In order to participate in online group sessions or to purchase pre-recorded videos contact school coordinator Diana –

Additional Information: 

Senior Courses Transition Guidelines


Book: Practical guide for the course “The Power of the Bloodline” of the AD LIBITUM department 
