Elemental Realm: EARTH + AIR

Стихийное пространство Земля Воздух. Земли много, Воздуха мало. Воздух воздействует на Землю. Первичные стихийные силы. Обучение магии стихий  


Space where there is a lot of Earth, and little Air. Air affects the Earth, and it does not change its primary properties, but changes its appearance.

What analogs in nature exhibit such elemental combinations?

Dried earth. Mountains. Stone. A fixed form, an unchanging essence. From the perspective of an external observer, mountains are perceived as something constant, unchanging, something that has always been and will always be. Mountains do not perceive change and do not contribute to change. However, they themselves are a phenomenon that cannot be ignored. The destruction of mountains is impossible, but if it does happen, it is always a catastrophe — a destruction of foundations, a loss of visible boundaries.

Unchangeability. Skeleton. Structure. Old age. Eternity. Memory.

In nature, it is not anticipated that mountains will move from place to place, it is not expected that they will change, be born, or die. They are eternal and unchanging. The same can be said about the Earth-Air realm — it is eternal and unchanging. The people who reside in it must be there in a constantly stable amount. Not as many as there are now elders and orthodox, but as many as are needed to match the mountainous landscape. When one leaves, another arrives, but not ten of the same kind. What is needed here is stability of quantity and quality, that is what this world stands on.

For the people of this space, it is very important to capture the result in material form. This is their criterion for judging the correctness of what is happening: if there is a material result, then everything is happening correctly, for stability is the criterion of truth.

An adult state of consciousness where experiences are formed and do not change. Procreative functions do not manifest here. No changes in the external world will introduce changes in the internal world. There is no cyclicity in following nature, as there is no drive for change.

All real results have been obtained in the past, but only that which is truly real is considered a result. Here, the mechanisms for recognizing real and unreal, tangible and illusory, stable and ephemeral live and accumulate.

Where can one find people whose consciousness is firmly fixed in this ‘realm’? What could they be engaged in with such a mindset? In searching for an answer to this question, it should be considered that the concept of ‘old age’, which we defined as a characteristic of the state in this space, does not always relate to age. Rather, it relates to qualities of thinking — it is unchangeable, static, fixed in the rigid configuration of a bare skeleton. This type of thinking is more typical of adults, but sometimes a young being might also “surprise” with demonstrating immutable dogmas.

In this space, strong professionals who do not need to learn anything new, who do not need to change their methodology — their skills are practically eternal — live comfortably and conveniently. Perhaps, these are people who have reached the limits of their mastery. An archivist, who stores data but does not change it.

It is always someone who works with the past, stabilizing it in its unchangeability. These are not the ones who make laws, but those who keep them. Not those who create religions, but those who fix them into immutable religious dogmas. A vivid example of residents of this space are Orthodox Jews. And any orthodoxies in general.

From the perspective of people whose consciousness exists in this space, the criterion for well-being and success can only be the physical, material form of the result. Apartment, car, gold, furs — everything that can be held in hands, which is not subject to destruction by time. Virtual projection of the result (bank account, stocks, copyrights, etc.) cannot be accepted here as a result. In the world of Earth-Air, there are very clear and unchanging criteria for personal success: family, property, children, cash, books. Religious dogmas are more preferred by them because their static nature is higher than that of secular laws.

Fixation of tradition. Preservation of tradition. Tradition is the law, it is what must remain unchanged. People living stably in this state have affirmed what is essential in life and what is not. It is old age, but not necessarily based on the actual age, but always based on thoughts. However, any preservation of fundamental knowledge is only possible in the state of Earth-Air. These consciousnesses create a structure of order. They are like mountains: they outline the visible boundaries of reality for those around them.

Guardians of this space are not capable of taking new, but can preserve the old. The reached ceiling of possibilities is a subject of pride.

People in such a state of consciousness should be sought where such consciousness is natural. Old educators. Librarians. Keepers of antiquities, museum curators. Hermit monks and scholars. 

During your research of the  EARTH+AIR elemental realm try to answer the following questions:

  • What is possible in this elemental realm, and what is impossible in general?
  • What mechanisms do the inhabitants of this elemental realm use to access the resources available to them in this world?
  • What are they entitled to, and what are they not?
  • What results can you personally achieve in this space if you use the same mechanisms that the “local residents” show you?
  • What effects in this elemental realm are inaccessible to you under any circumstances?
  • What happens to your mind in this world?
  • Is there a high probability of getting stuck there for a long time? What needs to be done to exit this space at any time?
  • Is there a high probability that the space will recognize you as a stranger? What needs to be done to prevent this? What needs to be done to stay in this space for as long as necessary for your task?
  • What tools does your consciousness need for quick switching between spaces?

Materials for studying the EARTH+AIR Elemental Realm:

Textbook:” The Power of the Elements”

Theory: p. 203

Practice: p. 582

