Elemental Realm: EARTH+FIRE


In this pair, Earth is the leading element and perceives a small Fire. There is plenty of Earth, but little Fire. There isn’t enough Fire to burn the Earth; it poses no threat to it. But there is enough Fire to warm it. Where in nature can such an effect be observed?

Spring. The sun warms the earth. The Earth, ready for fertility, is not yet fertile, but is ready to become so. Thaw. The beginning of changes in form and condition.

This is the beginning of manifested life. Readiness for perception. Awakening of attention, when it focuses only on one thing. I see, but I don’t yet understand.

So, this exists in nature. Moreover, there is plenty of it in nature. In nature, this process occurs regularly and constantly. But never for long and never forever. For example, the sun does not warm the earth at night. Spring comes after winter.

The sun peeked out from behind the clouds. However, the warmth of the earth is limited in such a state: on this planet, most of it is covered by the World Ocean, not land. The land is also not homogeneous, and a large space is occupied by mountains and deserts, that is, lands not susceptible to such a manifestation of Fire.

People who form the Earth-Fire elemental realm with their consciousness are numerous, akin to warmed earth. The state of being in this space cannot be permanent but must always arise periodically, as soon as the time comes or favorable circumstances arise. In a person’s consciousness, this union of elements also exists and is not unnatural.

This means that every person goes through it, everyone has the experience of living in this space and periodically dwells in it. It is a state of comfort and “returning to oneself,” a state often called “here and now.”

People of this Earth-Fire elemental realm accept circumstances as they are.

A widespread natural phenomenon, which represents the elemental combination of Earth-Fire, suggests that it will manifest in the consciousness of every person, like a mirror of the external world. Therefore, although everyone passes through this state at least once in their life, such passage usually occurs during childhood or youth.

However, immersing oneself in this state, one can notice not only the younger group of the kindergarten nearby. It turns out that a huge number of adult consciousnesses are willing to live in such a state voluntarily and without coercion.

If you look closely at each of them, you will quickly see that absolutely all of them are in a state of some illusory perception of reality. As if deluded, they perceive what is happening in a special way, and only from one side. They are dependent on what is happening around them but perceive their dependence like a movie, and themselves as spectators for whom this movie was made. Everything happening in the depths of their perception suits them perfectly, although they may declare the opposite. All because the state of “Earth warmed by Fire” is very comfortable, and the subconsciousness of the majority more than approves of such a state of affairs.

The dominant Earth is highly dependent on the Fire being “necessary and sufficient.” If there is no Fire at all, then comfortable existence will end, and one will need to make some movements to obtain this Fire. If there is too much Fire, then the Earth risks quickly turning into a desert, and in this case, one will need to take some actions again to protect oneself from it.

In occult description, Fire is not a physical phenomenon. At the level of the second circle of the force, Fire represents informational channels that are stable in the presence of some idea.

Therefore, it can be said that for the comfortable existence of people in this space, they need an idea—sufficient but not excessive, stable but not intrusive. Dependence on someone else’s ideology becomes a hallmark for the inhabitants of the Earth-Fire world. They only need to reflect on the meaning of the “imposed idea from above,” and Fire can become very excessive. Since thought (Air) will ignite the inner Fire in such a way that it will become stronger than the Earth and throw such a thinker into the corresponding space of Fire-Earth, which is already the opposite state of “non-rest.”

If people are kept in such a position of AP (Assemblage Point) by force, given information in doses, regulated in their education, and given one idea for all, then after a while people of such space become good “cannon fodder”. People who have no personal past in their memory, and they do not want the future, if it is different from the present, capture themselves in the Earth-Fire space.  It is not at all terrible for anyone if there are few such consciousnesses, and they are not excessive in the space-time point. But each such consciousness possesses its Fire, albeit small, but possesses it.

If such consciousnesses accumulate beyond a critical point in time, their Fire becomes excessive and begins to threaten to overwhelm the Earth. Overcrowding of space occurs, and the Earth itself begins to squeeze out such people from this world, restoring order in its abode. How? Nature-Demeter has one mechanism – Life-Death. Therefore, such a mass becomes food for wars and disasters, which always occur when the rules of life are grossly violated by alien ideas.

There are plenty of historical examples: when an idea foreign to natural processes (communism, fascism, capitalism, socialism, etc. -ism) is embedded in the consciousness of the masses, nature restores balance over time – through a certain mechanism. In nature, this is called “natural selection”: if reason is unable to resist excessive Fire, if the beacon of reason cannot swing and lead consciousness out of the “overheated” space, then such consciousness cannot continue itself in the future – neither personally nor through offspring, such is the law of nature. As history shows, in such battles and disputes, Mother Earth always wins.

During your research of the  EARTH+FIRE elemental realm try to answer the following questions:

  • What is possible in this elemental realm, and what is impossible in general?
  • What mechanisms do the inhabitants of this elemental realm use to access the resources available to them in this world?
  • What are they entitled to, and what are they not?
  • What results can you personally achieve in this space if you use the same mechanisms that the “local residents” show you?
  • What effects in this elemental realm are inaccessible to you under any circumstances?
  • What happens to your mind in this world?
  • Is there a high probability of getting stuck there for a long time? What needs to be done to exit this space at any time?
  • Is there a high probability that the space will recognize you as a stranger? What needs to be done to prevent this? What needs to be done to stay in the space for as long as necessary for your task?
  • What tools does your consciousness need for quick switching between spaces?

Materials for studying the EARTH+FIRE Elemental Realm:

Textbook:” The Power of the Elements”

Theory: p. 188

Practice: p. 573

