Elemental Realm: FIRE+AIR


The Fiery, Etheric World is a process of creating something, and the natural phenomenon that arises from such an elemental combination also speaks of processes, but says nothing about the results—they can vary greatly and be perceived in many different ways.

The phenomenon of Fire+Air in the natural world:

Thunderstorm. Lightning. A rapid change in air currents that leads to changes in weather.

Always dangerous. But it’s a distant danger, a danger far away. Like a warning, like a reminder. A threat of destruction. From afar—it’s aesthetically beautiful; up close—it’s deadly.

In nature, phenomena based on this elemental combination occur quite often. However, actual destruction happens much less frequently.

The natural process of lightning is described as an electrical discharge that occurs when a significant voltage builds between a storm cloud and the ground. Sometimes lightning happens during volcanic eruptions when a lot of ash is ejected. The energy released by a lightning strike is enormous.


A flash of light piercing through space, and Fire that burns the Air. This cataclysm acts as an accelerator of the process “returning water to the earth,” which relates to the description of the previous space.

Fire+Air in a magical sense:

Fire is always a concrete strike on a situation, on space, or on time. It’s the thunderbolts of Zeus, Thor’s hammer, the sword of Nuada. It’s an idea acting upon the past. The opportunity to make the past visible, to highlight with a bright flash what should be paid particular attention to.

For worlds to evolve, to prevent stagnant processes in this development, the program sometimes needs “adjusting.” This is done by rearranging informational emphases, when one thing is highlighted and another, conversely, is obscured.

Currently, this process is called “information manipulation,” and this is partly true. But it’s not enough to highlight something to attract attention. This process must be shocking, on one hand, and on the other, allow for a quick and sharp emotional discharge. Or, in the language of the elements, to release excess Water into space. This is exactly what happens during a thunderstorm in nature, and this is what happens to human consciousness at the moment of receiving shocking information.

After a storm, the air becomes more saturated, a process known as “ozonation.” Ozone, on one hand, can disinfect water and air from pathogenic microorganisms, but on the other hand, in high concentrations, it becomes deadly dangerous for humans.

With information, symbolized by the element of Air, the situation is exactly the same: information in small doses or brief shocking information is beneficial and brings the necessary fruits for accelerating developmental processes, but in large doses and stretched over time, such information can cause irreparable harm.

Just as high concentrations of ozone can cause irreversible damage to the upper respiratory tract, shocking information can render the human consciousness insusceptible to information in general: the consciousness becomes afflicted with something akin to an information allergy, ceasing to be capable of processing any information—whether useful or useless—thus rejecting all just in case.

Fire can change the structure of Air, making it either healing or poisonous.

The emergence of Fire+Air spaces in the human world:

In the elemental space of the human world, this reflects the ability to reevaluate the past, both one’s own and others’; to place emphasis in the necessary manner; to select historical evidence that supports or destroys an idea; to erase from the informational space and memory such data from the past that do not support the idea and become a threat to it. Such manipulation of information does not affect material reality, but only describes it, highlighting what is needed and obscuring what is not.

Who are the people that form the space of a “lightning constantly striking into the ground”?

Teachers. Psychologists. Politicians. Priests-interpreters. All who influence the memory and thinking of others. These are those who have access to the human mind and are perceived by it without any criticism. Children believe their teachers without the slightest suspicion that they might be mistaken. People trust psychologists with their thoughts and secrets, confident that they know and understand more. The populace perceives politicians as a natural form of authority, often thoughtlessly entrusting them with their lives and freedom. Yet few suspect that all of them are absolutely not free in their words and actions. People believe their priests, truly thinking that they are the ones who can correctly interpret the “will of God.”

People in the Fire+Air realm are adept at aligning information with an idea. However, at this level of elemental realm, it is always someone else’s idea. Those who work for someone else’s idea typically do not know its intended purpose. A teacher teaches what tradition considers correct. A psychologist applies methods generally created by others and works on theories approved by tradition. Politicians work for an idea meant to support an existing tradition or to create a new one. But none of them creates reality just for one student, one client-patient, or one citizen.

When Fire acts on Air, it changes it entirely over a very large area. Similarly, information: if it is shaped into a specific pattern of perception, it is intended for everyone equally, and there can be no exceptions.

The minds that form the elemental realm of Fire—Air are also dependent on Fire, dependent on the idea. They cannot control Fire, cannot create lightning, but must always be the first to use it or to correctly interpret its meaning.

During your research of the  FIRE+AIR elemental realm try to answer the following questions:

  • What is possible in this elemental realm, and what is impossible in general?
  • What mechanisms do the inhabitants of this elemental realm use to access the resources available to them in this world?
  • What are they entitled to, and what are they not?
  • What results can you personally achieve in this space if you use the same mechanisms that the “local residents” show you?
  • What effects in this elemental realm are inaccessible to you under any circumstances?
  • What happens to your mind in this world?
  • Is there a high probability of getting stuck there for a long time? What needs to be done to exit this space at any time?
  • Is there a high probability that the space will recognize you as a stranger? What needs to be done to prevent this? What needs to be done to stay in this space for as long as necessary for your task?
  • What tools does your consciousness need for quick switching between spaces?

Materials for studying the FIRE+AIR Elemental Realm:

Textbook:” The Power of the Elements”

Theory: p. 229

Practice: p. 599

