Elemental Realm: FIRE+WATER

Elemental Realm: FIRE + WATER

There is plenty of Fire, little Water. There is so much Fire that Water changes its state and turns into steam. Fire does not derive nourishment from Water; on the contrary, Water somewhat restrains Fire but pays for it with its nature, its natural existence.

The phenomenon of Fire+Water in nature:

This phenomenon is ubiquitous. It is called the “water cycle in nature.” Naturally, water exists in three states: liquid, solid, and gaseous. Life cannot exist without water. Under the influence of solar radiation, water begins to turn into steam, transitioning to its second state (gaseous). Three-quarters of the Earth’s surface is covered by water. The vast majority of the hydrosphere (97%) consists of the salty water of seas and oceans, and the remainder includes the freshwater of lakes, rivers, glaciers, groundwater, and water vapor. The liquid that enters the air as vapor is fresh, hence the world’s oceans are called “factories of freshwater.” Almost all known substances on Earth are dissolved in oceanic water, but in varying amounts.

In the World Ocean, water is unfit for life as it is, and must undergo a process of transmutation for the potential of life to become a reality. Fire performs such a transmutation, separating the water, distinguishing the necessary from the unnecessary. Thus, the element of Water undergoes a form change, the liquid turns into steam, and when Fire “releases” the water, it returns to its normal state, now separated from the earthly components — salts, minerals. Water acquires a composition necessary to sustain life.

Water continuously circulates on Earth, while its total quantity remains unchanged. The complete renewal of the waters of the World Ocean occurs approximately every 2,500 to 3,000 years.

The magical-occult meaning of the water cycle:

Water, being the basis and symbol of primordial chaos, must be subjected to certain structuring. The principle of order is the basis for the emergence of life in a specific form, and under this form, a rule is introduced—what and how much is necessary for the emergence and maintenance of life on Earth.

Order extracts a volume of possibilities from chaos. The portion that remains at the disposal of life is the volume of possibilities that this system of order can create from chaos. If there is more, the order will be destroyed; if there is less, life, as it exists, will cease.

It is important that Water must return to its original state. Only then is the influence of external Fire justified and not catastrophically irreversible.

The state of Fire-Water represents a violent change of the future. The life of some at the expense of the death of others. Acceleration of evolution. Separation. The preventive disconnection of what is unfit for life from what is fit. The redirection of evolutionary movement. The transfer of the future through evaporation to spaces where water would naturally take a very long time to reach. These are always changes, specifically changes aimed at disrupting the timing of natural transformation.

The emergence of Fire-Water spaces in the human world:

The process of the water cycle occurs in every living being at every moment of its conscious and unconscious life. Which consciousnesses are capable of forming the elemental realm of Fire-Water? All of them.

All are capable and all participate, but in different capacities and in different roles. Any living being can create this space, but one who is aware of the process has the ability to influence and even control it—he is a subject in this process. For those for whom the process of life is background noise and perceived as a natural environment, they become the material, the object in the creation of this elemental reality.

What does awareness depend on? How can a person stop being an object and become a subject?

Let’s try to find answers to these questions through the knowledge of the elements. Awareness is the tracking of what’s happening, the isolation from the flow of sensations of what the mind deems necessary to understand or know. Awareness is the act of focusing attention on something in space-time, illuminating and highlighting a needed volume of reality, bringing it out of the darkness, extracting it from the current of chaos. Fire is needed for the process of illumination.

Indeed, the element of Fire, when it prevails over all others, becomes a beam of light, a torch illuminating space. An increased component of Fire is an indicator of consciousness. It is the subject who forms a relationship (predicate) to the object and decides on further actions. The state of Fire-Water is a process of recognizing natural processes and attempting to study and influence them.

The realm of Fire-Water is a space where a meeting of consciousnesses in a similar state occurs. Those in whom the element of Fire is insufficient to “stand above” the Water and begin transforming it always remain in the position of an object relative to those whose Fire has crossed the threshold of superiority.

Upon entering the state, seek out your peers on networks, in forums of writers, futurists, esotericists, mystics, researchers, and innovators. Focus your attention on those who are not afraid to express new ideas, who aren’t afraid to seem foolish or ignorant—Fire despises all that, for Fire is stronger than fears, since feelings are Water, and Fire is now stronger than Water.

The moment when Fire equals Water represents a state of natural magic, where the mind is free to be either in one state or the other, becoming an object or a subject at its own will, desire, or even whim. This state is deceptive, often masquerading as a current of creation. But it is not.

During your research of the  FIRE+WATER elemental realm try to answer the following questions:

  • What is possible in this elemental realm, and what is impossible in general?
  • What mechanisms do the inhabitants of this elemental realm use to access the resources available to them in this world?
  • What are they entitled to, and what are they not?
  • What results can you personally achieve in this space if you use the same mechanisms that the “local residents” show you?
  • What effects in this elemental realm are inaccessible to you under any circumstances?
  • What happens to your mind in this world?
  • Is there a high probability of getting stuck there for a long time? What needs to be done to exit this space at any time?
  • Is there a high probability that the space will recognize you as a stranger? What needs to be done to prevent this? What needs to be done to stay in this space for as long as necessary for your task?
  • What tools does your consciousness need for quick switching between spaces?

Materials for studying the FIRE+WATER Elemental Realm:

Textbook:” The Power of the Elements”

Theory: p. 223

Practice: p. 595

