A Warrior Needs Victory Rather Than Comfort - This Is What The Runes Teach Us. Menshikova School. Runes. Rune Department. Norse magic. Victory. A warrior's lifestyle. Warrior's strenght.

A Warrior Needs Victory Rather Than Comfort – This Is What The Runes Teach Us.

A warrior needs victory rather than comfort. You won’t achieve anything in this world if you keep living comfortably and enjoying your life. About inner satisfaction derived from the fullness of one’s own life

We are talking about winning. You are talking about comfort and just living and enjoying life. A comfortable existence is certainly not a victory. But the choice is yours. You have the right tools. Just remember, if you want to live well and comfortably, choose a channel that will allow you to do so, but then please forget about winning. You won’t achieve anything in this world; you’ll just keep on living and enjoying your life, which is exactly what a vast majority of commercial promoters want.   

If you want to be victorious, forget about comfort. Warriors and comfort are completely incompatible things. A warrior’s lifestyle means having a rigid saddle, uncomfortable clothes, constant malnutrition, and sleep deprivation. That’s the way it usually is with warriors. That’s when a warrior will achieve results. In any case, there’s something that will have to be sacrificed. Look what you’re winning at, and not at what makes you feel good. If you are winning at something that is also comforting, then you can combine the two. But if it’s not the case, then it’s just not. It’s not about bodily satisfaction; it’s about inner satisfaction derived from the fullness of one’s own life. When you realize that you are not living in vain and everything you’ve been through up to this moment also hasn’t been for nothing. You needed to get that experience in order to make a leap and achieve today’s victory.

Remember that bodily sensations and comfort are not what we’re looking for. That’s not for us, and runes aren’t about that. That may be the case for some personal growth training and other teachings that convince you that you don’t really have to do anything. You know, those whose motto is “life for the sake of life.” Have you ever heard of it? It’s being promoted very often now. And that’s what we get – a merely vegetative existence. One can, of course, live this way, but such a state has absolutely nothing to do with runes. Therefore, you should live through the runes with the awareness of what it is we are looking for. And we are looking for a warrior’s strength.

Additional Information:

Runes Department

Forum “MAGIC UNITED”: “Runes As A Magical System”

Literary Sources:

School Library

About Norse Magic

Study Runes. An Introductory Lecture On Runes


When the Runes are calling you

The Elder Futark. Introductory Lecture to the Rune Course.

The Norse Tradition. Magic and Runes.

The Norse Tradition in the History of Magic.

Educational Materials:

Book. Runes Reveal The Mysteries Of The World