
About Black Book Magic. Cathedral witchcraft. Found my god. Leave Christianity. Debaptism ritual. Ritual at the graveyard. Ritual at the crossroads. The Sephiroth Tree, Achieve stability. Experience. Get rid of fear.

About Black Book Magic

“A few years ago I found my own god who helped me leave Christianity. There was a test in the form of a baptistery, in which I immersed myself thrice like a zombie. And after that, all my powers disappeared, everything that used to provide me with strength and creativity…”


About the illusions of self-importance. Menshikova School. Runes Department. Rune Kenaz. Transform the world. Start changing yourself. What is yours in this world. Education at the Menshikova School. Consciousness.

About The Illusions Of Self-Importance.

Why can’t there be a little bit of everything in this world? After all, I would like to see it this way. Why can’t my daughter be like I want her to be?
Because you created neither the world nor your daughter. If you continue changing the whole world for your own convenience, in your image, the world, as the Rune Kenaz has shown, may disagree with you because it has no desire to be the way you want it to be.


How did the ancient gods suddenly become demons? Thouthankd years of demonization of gods. Pagan consciousness. Ancient gods. Gods are universe-scale minds.

How Did The Ancient Gods Suddenly Become Demons?

“What are the effects of two thousand years of demonization of some gods on their manifestation, essence, and their vibrational characteristics? For example, many years of consecutive celebration of the New Year turn it into a ritual in some way, and this date acquires an energy potential as well as a sacred sense”…


A Warrior Needs Victory Rather Than Comfort - This Is What The Runes Teach Us. Menshikova School. Runes. Rune Department. Norse magic. Victory. A warrior's lifestyle. Warrior's strenght.

A Warrior Needs Victory Rather Than Comfort – This Is What The Runes Teach Us.

A warrior needs victory rather than comfort. You won’t achieve anything in this world if you keep living comfortably and enjoying your life. About inner satisfaction derived from the fullness of one’s own life We are talking about winning. You are talking about comfort and just living and enjoying life. A comfortable existence is certainly …

A Warrior Needs Victory Rather Than Comfort – This Is What The Runes Teach Us. Read More »

Ad Libitum. Adequate Energy Exchange. Excerpt from the workshop. Menshikova School. Ad Libitum Department. Ad Lib. Proper energy exchange.

Ad Libitum Department. Adequate Energy Exchange. Excerpt from Lecture.

Each of us has our own personal tasks in this world. And they are different for each person. The human being, his consciousness, fulfills a certain function here in this world. How can you determine what your personal function is? It can help you understand whether it is you who exists for the world, or whether the world exists for you? Can this function change depending on what stage of life we are in? Can our personality change over time? And what is personality? Is it an innate quality or is it acquired? This is what we will try to deal with.

How do you know then you've found your god? Algorithm of finding your god. Looking for your god. Menshikova School. Projection of your god. Legends. Your technical task.

How Do You Know When You’ve Found Your God?

It’s difficult to confuse your own god with any other, and if there’s any doubt, then it’s definitely not the right one. After reading legends about your god you suddenly realize that it fully coincides with your own biography. And when you understand this, life ceases to be the same…


About the Northern Myth. the Norse Scandinavian myth. The Scandinavian myths. The Tree of the Norse myth. Menshikova School.

About the Northern Myth

About the Norse Scandinavian myth. The Tree of the Norse myth cannot be affected by mistletoe. The Scandinavian myths tell about the interaction between various worlds and cultures.
There is a reason why we began our studies specifically with the Norse Scandinavian myth and by devoting so much time to it, as the mechanisms of distinction between what is important and unimportant, right or wrong.

A Dream About The End Of Days

Within our Mental consciousness, our worldview, the transition is commonly associated with the fact of dying, death, or any other type of transformation that would somehow inevitably affect biological existence.