AD LIB Department

The Ad Libitum Department consists of workshops and lectures that don’t require any prerequisite knowledge or skills. It would be appropriate for those who have not yet started their studies in the Menshikova School and for those who would like to deepen their knowledge that has been acquired through the studies in the Main Department.

This department is for those who are just at the beginning of their magical path as well as for those whose inquisitive minds tend to have ten more questions to one found answer.

No energy for magical practice. Blockage within the consciousness, or inability to take energy from the outside world? Magical consciousness.

No Energy For Magical Practice

“What can cause a lack of power and energy for magical practice, and how can it be restored?”
There can be several reasons for this. They fall into two categories: external and internal. The internal reasons have to do with a kind of blockage within the consciousness that prevents the passage of certain currents of powers on which the magical discipline is based. The external reasons are caused by processes when currents are blocked intentionally or due to some fatal situation in the outside world.


Newborn circumcision is an adapted Judaic ritual. The symbolism of circumcision is a symbolic act of communion with the Judaic god Yahweh.

Newborn Circumcision

“In the US, for several generations now, it has been customary to circumcise baby boys right after birth, pretty much all of them. A boy is born, gets circumcised, and then returns back to his mom. Could you tell us about the meaning behind these actions, and how these consequences can be eliminated?’
As you understand, once the foreskin is surgically removed, you can’t sew it back on, you can’t reverse the procedure. It is a secularly adapted Judaic ritual.


Mother's Curse

Mother’s Curse

“If your mother curses you and wishes you dead, what should be done? How to avoid everything she is doing?”
A mother’s curse is the scariest thing out there. When you curse your own child, you are actually cursing yourself, you are cursing your own blood. And the curse you cast on your own child automatically comes back to you. But that doesn’t make it any easier for the child.


No Desire To Have Any Children. Should a woman with a child psychotype have children, if she has no desire to have them? Childfree movement or childbearing. A parent psychotype and a child psychotype.

No Desire To Have Any Children

“Should a woman with a child psychotype have children, if she has no desire to have them? How can one tell if it’s just egoism or if this type of life experience is simply unnecessary?” Egoism is a peculiarity of one’s nature, in a way. Egoism is something that accentuates, something that puts an internal emphasis on things – on what is important and what is not. What is more important, myself or the world?


How To Build Relationships With People In A Foreign Land? Cultures and civilizations. Principle of interaction with other cultures, magical plane.

How To Build Relationships With People In A Foreign Land?

“My current goal is to build relationships with people of another culture. Right now, I’m being perceived more as a stranger. What principles of interaction with other cultures should I consider on the magical level to make them trust me and be perceived as one of them, or as a friend?”
There are two connectional aspects in the social world, they are cultural and civilizational. Culture comes from gods, and civilization comes from people. You need to obey the laws in force on this land explicitly


Magical perspective on bankruptcy. Bankruptcy from a magical perspective, loss of resources and opportunities. The social world and social games. the right to money. the current of money.

Magical Perspective on Bankruptcy

“About a year ago, a company that failed to pay me what it owed went bankrupt. Does this mean that, by law, they owe me nothing? What does bankruptcy mean for both parties involved from a magical perspective?”
From a magical perspective, this indicates the loss of resources and opportunities to receive it from there. But that doesn’t mean that you can’t get it from another source.
