Стихия Земля. Пространство Земли. Физический план. Физическое пространство. Магия земли. Стихийные сочетания. Обучение в школе Меньшиковой.


The physical plane is formed by an elemental combination where the primary element is Earth, and the elements of Fire, Water, and Air complement it. This complementation allows only certain properties of the Earth element to be highlighted, restricting specific functions within the designated space. Since there are three complementary elements, the physical plane can be conditionally divided into three subspaces:




Earth, as the primary element, will manifest its basic qualities uniquely in all these spaces of elemental combination. However, the essence of these qualities remains unchanged.

The main property of Earth is passivity. It perceives everything but never initiates change. Everything that Earth accepts naturally becomes part of itself. If we were to evaluate ourselves from the perspective of the Earth element, then by becoming it, we would say that there is nothing but me, because I am everything. 

Each of the three spaces, Earth-Fire, Earth-Water, and Earth-Air, existing separately from each other, gives an illusory perception of the unity of being. Consciousness existing on these frequencies naturally perceives only itself as alive and sentient but does not evaluate everything around it in a similar way. Dwelling in the illusion of the moment’s constancy is a natural form of interaction with reality. The catastrophe spoken of by the element is a departure from the illusion, it is a natural conflict to which the element cannot help but react. But the reaction will only occur if there is a triple influence of Fire (seeing), Water (feeling), and Air (hearing).

In this session, the perception of the spaces of the Earth element is diagnosed through meditation techniques, and the analysis of the states obtained is conducted:

  • What is common in sensations and feelings?
  • Is there a common associative element?
  • Is there a commonality in all three memories?

And much more…

At the end of the session, students receive homework and independently conduct further research in “field conditions,” meaning in real life. Immersed in the environment, subjective sensations and meditative revelations obtained are tested in practice.

Materials for studying the EARTH REALM:

Textbook:” The Power of the Elements”

Theory: p. 183

Practice: p. 568

