water element

Water Element

Water Element

The seminar of the Elements 1 course of the Elemental Department.

The Water element can be described as the child of Earth and Fire — a child that carries all the qualities of its parents but is nevertheless a completely independent and autonomous force. From the mother Earth, the Water element inherited a triune nature, expressed in its ability to manifest in three states of matter on the physical plane: from the fatherly Fire element — swiftly transitioning from one form to another, from one state to another.

The form doesn’t change functions, but Fire allows for changing the impact on reality by the ability of swift transition. The Water element is more complex to understand and comprehend than the parental elements you are already familiar with. But after all, children are always more complex than their parents, no matter how much the latter would like to think otherwise.

The mystics and occultists of old times called the Water element “the source and tomb of all existence on earth.” It is a symbol of the unmanifested, of primal matter. “Liquid that tests everything” (Plato). It serves as the point of application of the efforts of all other elements; either it absorbs these efforts completely and without memory, or it transforms itself.

In magical practices, the Water element is used for transmitting information through time, as well as for harnessing Chaos energies for the global shaping of reality at any given moment: be it in the past, present, or future. Logic would suggest that in the body and consciousness, the Water element is capable of doing the same.

In this session, students practice:

  • Deep immersion in the Water element and understanding its connection to the astral body.
  • The ability to perceive and control the force of inertia.
  • Immersion into the depths of their inner chaos – a source of power for magical practices.
  • Crafting a Water amulet (an individual object of power) and the ability to work with it.

Course textbook: “The Power of the Elements”

Theory: p. 69

Practical part: p. 433, p. 481

In order to participate in online group session or to purchase pre-recorded videos contact school coordinator Diana – diana@mage.school
