
The first main course of the Elements department is designed to uncover, awaken elemental forces within oneself, explore various states of consciousness while being immersed into different elements.

Elemental Cross

Elemental Cross

When the Elemental Cross forms in consciousness and the process of mutual elemental pursuit is initiated as the eternal engine of the first kind, it instantaneously brings all elemental indicators into a state of natural equilibrium with each other. Such a state in magical practices is referred to as “nullification through the elements.”


Air and Water elements

Elemental Combination: Air-Water

n the cross, it forms horizontal movement, where Air gives motion to Water. Air is independent and infinitely mobile. Water, on the other hand, tends towards stability and exhibits properties of inertia. The conflict generated by the interaction of these two elements is a conflict of a forced directional movement.


air element

Air Element

The Air Element is represented in the human understanding of qualities as a masculine quality. Like Fire, the Air element is incapable of permanence; Air directs, infiltrates and penetrates, giving form to matter. Air responds to pressure and is capable of compressing several times over, acquiring new properties.


Fire element

Fire Element

The element of Fire corresponds to the etheric plane. The vibrations of Fire are rapid, ever-changing, absorbing all organic matter into itself that Fire can penetrate. Fire is the necessity of penetration both in depth and breadth. If Earth is the force of tranquility and stability, then Fire, its opposite, is the force of movement and development.


Earth element

Earth Element

The first and perhaps the primary element for our world is the Earth element. The vibrations of the Earth element correspond to the physical plane. These are the densest, lowest frequencies. The perception chakra is the Muladhara (root chakra). In perception, the Earth element embodies feminine qualities of manifestation—acceptance, accumulation, and preservation. Inertia is a natural effect of the feminine nature of preservation and accumulation, and the Earth element vividly manifests these properties.


Basics of Healing

The Basics of Healing

In this workshop, students acquire knowledge of diagnostic principles and develop their own “individual map of disease recognition.” Nature gives birth to very few true healers, and this is a great gift. Not everyone is destined to be born with this gift, but every novice mage must master the basic skills of diagnostics. Through the elements, not only self-healing is possible, but also the healing of others by changing the elemental balance in their consciousness.


water element

Water Element

In magical practices, the Water element is used for transmitting information through time, as well as for harnessing Chaos energies for the global shaping of reality at any given moment: be it in the past, present, or future. Logic would suggest that in the body and consciousness, the Water element is capable of doing the same.
