How to Calculate an Individual Runic Code (IRC)?
An Individual’s Runic Code consists of three runes: the Rune of Essense (Fate), the Rune of Identity, and the Golden Rune. The interpretation of the Individual Runic Code allows people to discover their unique characteristics that each person brings to this incarnation, as well as the qualities that need to be acquired over a lifetime, thereby realizing their own individual purpose, living up to their true potential. Ultimately, this enables the creation of an Individual Runic Amulet, which helps the person in realizing their goal and destiny.
Руна сущности. Руна личности. Золотая руна. Как рассчитать рунокод самостоятельно? Калькулятор ИРК. Индивидуальный рунический код методика расчета. Амулет с рунокодом.
To calculate your Runic Code independently, start by studying the examples below.
Индивидуальный рунический ко
The Rune of Essence in the Individual Runic Code
The Rune of Essence (Fate Number) represents the qualities with which a person was born. It is the power brought into this world from previous incarnations.
Take the person’s date of birth. For example: 01.02.1974.
Calculate the sum of the numbers in the birth date.
0 + 1 + 0 + 2 + 1 + 9 + 7 + 4 = 24 == 6.
This number also consists of the day of birth number (0 + 1 = 1), the month of birth number (0 + 2 = 2) , and the year of birth number (1 + 9 + 7 + 4 = 21 == 3).
1 + 2 + 3 = 6.
In numerology, this is the Essence Number.
This number determines the Runic group.
Conversion Table No. 1

In our example, this corresponds to Group 6.
Next, within the runic group, we determine the aett (1, 2, or 3). This is done as follows:
We convert the decimal code into a ternary code according to the table provided below.
Conversion Table No. 1

Now we take the day of birth number. It is 1. This number in ternary code is 1, indicating the 1st aett.
Next, we take the month of birth number. It is 2. In ternary code, this is 2, indicating the 2nd aett.
And now we take the year of birth number. It is 3. In ternary code, this is 3, indicating the 3rd aett.
As a result, we could not definitively determine the aett. Therefore, we take the Essence Number. It is 6. In the ternary system, this is 3, indicating the 3rd aett. Thus, we settle on the 3rd aett. Group 6, 3rd aett. The rune is Inguz. This rune is the Rune of Essence in this example.
The Rune of Essence (Fate Number) represents the qualities with which a person was born.
It is the power brought into this world from previous incarnations.

The Rune of Identity in the Individual Runic Code
The Rune of Identity indicates the personal qualities that need to be developed in this incarnation; qualities that are necessary for correctly fulfilling one’s task (mission).
The numerical values of the letters in the Name, Patronymic, and Surname are added together.
In numerology, this is known as the Identity Number. In other numerology schools, this number is called the Name Number.

For example: John Smith
Smith: 1 + 4 + 9 + 2 + 8 = 24 == 6 (surname number)
John: 1 + 6 + 8 + 5 = 20 == 2 (name number)
24 + 20 = 44 == 8 (Identity Number)
This number determines the Runic group.
In our example, this corresponds to Group 8.

Next, within the runic group, we determine the aett (1, 2, or 3). This is done as follows:
We convert the decimal code into a ternary code according to the table provided below.

Руна сущности. Руна личности. Как рассчитать рунокод самостоятельно? Калькулятор ИРК. Индивидуальный рунический код методика расчета.
Now we take the surname number. It is 6. In ternary code, this number is 3. This indicates the 3rd aett. Next, we take the name number. It is 2. In ternary code, this is 2. This also indicates the 2nd aett. If we had not been able to definitively determine the aett, we would use the Identity Number. It is 8. In the ternary system, this is 2. This would indicate the 2nd aett. It is the 2nd aett.
Thus, the 2nd aett. Group 8, 2nd aett. The rune is Sowilo. This rune is the Rune of Identity in this example.
The Rune of Identity indicates the personal qualities that need to be developed in this incarnation; qualities that are necessary for correctly fulfilling one’s task (mission).

The Golden Rune in the Individual Runic Code
The Golden Rune represents the result, the legacy, the mark one should leave in this world.
This Rune corresponds to the Golden Alchemical Number. This number is determined by the sum of the Essence Number and the Identity Number. The first and second runes are active forces. The third rune is the result of combining (applying) both forces.
In the given example: 6 + 8 = 14 == 5. This is the Golden Alchemical Number. And this determines the runic group for the third rune.
Next, within the runic group, we determine the aett (1, 2, or 3). This is done as follows:
We convert the decimal code into a ternary code according to the table provided below.

Now we take the sum of the day of birth number and the name number. In our example: 1 + 2 = 3. This number in ternary code is 3. This indicates the 3rd aett.
Next, we take the sum of the month number and the patronymic number. We don’t have it, so we take only the month number. In our example it is 2. In ternary code, this is 2. This indicates the 2nd aett.
Now we take the sum of the year number and the surname number. In our example: 3 + 6 = 9. In ternary code, this is 3. This indicates the 3rd aett.
If we had not been able to definitively determine the aett, we would use the Golden Alchemical Number. It is 5. In the ternary system, this is 2. This would indicate the 2nd aett.
Thus, the 3rd aett. Group 5, 3rd aett. The rune is Laguz. This rune is the Golden Rune in this example.
In this example, the Individual Runic Code is: Inguz-Sowilo-Laguz
Now we need to answer the question:
What to do if the Essence Number, the Identity Number, or the Golden Alchemical Number equals 9 (0)? In other words, how to create an Individual Runic Code if the Rune of Essence, Rune of Identity, and the Golden Rune belong to the 9th runic group?
The Individual Runic Code is composed only of runes from the 1st to the 8th runic groups. If any of the three runes (Rune of Essence, Rune of Identity, or Golden Rune) belong to the 9th runic group, then a “blank” rune is placed instead of the specified rune. In the Individual Runic Amulet, no rune is created in the corresponding place.
For example: If the Rune of Personality were from the 9th runic group, the Individual Runic Code would be: Inguz—blank—Mannaz.
The Golden Rune represents the result, the legacy, the mark one should leave in this world

In the second course of Runes at the Menshikova School, this method of calculating the runic code is used exclusively to determine the Individual Runic Code (IRC). The system of interpretation and decoding of the code at the Menshikova School is based on the magical effect of the runes, which students receive after studying and initiation.
Here, it is about the skill of working on the channel.
This method of calculating the Runic Code was developed by Master Oleg Shaposhnikov.
We use this method of calculating the Runic Code when creating an Individual Runic Amulet (IRA).
You can verify the Runic Code calculation using the Individual Runic Code Calculator:
Online Calculator for Runic Code Calculation (IRC)
More about Runes and the Gods of the Northern pantheon: