About the AD Libitum Department
The Ad Libitum Department consists of workshops and lectures that don’t require any prerequisite knowledge or skills. It would be appropriate for those who have not yet started their studies in the Menshikova School and for those who would like to deepen their knowledge that has been acquired through the studies in the Main Department.
This department is for those who are just at the beginning of their magical path as well as for those whose inquisitive minds tend to have ten more questions to one found answer.
In the Ad Libitum Department, students work with additional tasks that focus on unlocking the power of their consciousness.
The Department includes the following workshops:
Admission: completion of the 1st and 2nd courses of the Main Department.
Admission: completion of the 4 basic lessons of the 1st Main course
Admission: no prerequisites required
Admission: no prerequisites required
Admission: no prerequisites required
Admission: Fulfilment of the conditions for training in a closed group
These seminars will be available in English soon! Stay tuned!
In order to participate in online group sessions or to purchase pre-recorded videos contact school coordinator Diana – diana@mage.school