About Esoteric Communities Today. Esoteric Communities. Disguise and manifestation of Abrahamic religions: Christianity, Islam, Judaism, and Eastern religions.

About Esoteric Communities Today

Esoteric Communities. Disguise and manifestation of Abrahamic religions: Christianity, Islam, Judaism, and Eastern religions.

Esoteric Communities

“Lately, there are many esoteric groups rooted in Eastern esoteric tradition. But somehow, they are all very similar to Christianity. The leaders of these groups stress the ideology of humility, all-forgiveness, trust in the will of god, and promote complacency. Is this the result of Eastern teachings being placed over Christianity? Like Christianity wearing an Eastern mask? Or were such concepts actually a part of Eastern esoteric systems?”

Most likely, this is a disguise of Abrahamic religions; they are really fond of putting on masks and have absolutely no shame in dressing up in someone else’s clothing. But some Eastern trends promote the principles of non-resistance and humility; there are plenty of those. As a rule, if talking about esoteric groups, we most likely see here a manifestation of Abrahamism, such as Christianity, Islam, or Judaism, or other Abrahamic channels. The leaders of such groups, as you have accurately noticed, are always people. People are the carriers of a particular tradition. And if we are talking about people who live in our environment, who think and exist in the Russian-speaking bubble in particular, then, more than likely you will discover that the roots of such groups will lead to Christianity, and the person, the teacher of that esoteric movement has simply created a specific academic egregor – we can call it that – to fit his needs. As a rule, they are usually created for one’s own personal narrow-minded objectives. They usually lean on some kind of system because it would be impossible to create a school or a movement otherwise. 

Usually, schools can’t be created from zero; such schools do not exist; they always appropriate some type of core as a foundation for their teaching. And then they spread their concepts on the foundation of that core. Christian worldview and Christian doctrine are very convenient in this regard because they immediately make the students humble and groom them to be submissive, meaning to be submissive in accepting this teaching. They don’t argue; they don’t reason; they are not searching for meanings like some ancient philosophical schools that existed prior to Christianity, not at all. All Abrahamic religions are built on submissiveness, all of them without exceptions. Very few systems contrast the person to god; such so-called “crusaders against the god” are rare, and there are very few of them. But, Slavinism, for example, possessed this quality. The Norse Scandinavian system possessed these qualities. This means that the Scandinavians and the Slavs had an absolute belief in fate; but that was the only thing they trusted. Meaning that here we have our fate, but this doesn’t mean that you have to tuck your will somewhere under a rock and never exercise it. Quite the opposite, you must exercise it. Despite the fact that you have a fate, fighting this fate is a sacred duty of every self-respecting warrior. This is what they believed, although it very well may be that fighting one’s fate is pointless. But this doesn’t matter because the meaning doesn’t lie in the result; the meaning is in the process, and the meaning is in the struggle. 

And the Eastern and the Southern beliefs and religion, they thought slightly differently – that a person should never ever do this sort of thing; he must be absolutely humble. Therefore, if you meet someone who tells you about humility, then you will most likely find Abrahamism in the foundation of his teaching matrix. Even Buddhism, with its Middle Way and its contemplative practices, non-resistance, and complete dissolvency of self to the point of transparency to the temporal and spatial currents, actually also promotes the same in essence. They are not creators, they are observers, or serf-like implementers. 

Your intuition should – as you are looking at this type of teacher – before anything, tell you that if this person expects humility from you, then most likely he wants to take your will, your time, your life, and make it follow a certain direction. Either to serve his own vested interests or the forces that are leading him. And usually, such a teacher is completely unaware that he is a serf to a foreign will, a puppet in the hands of more powerful systems, and maybe even people.

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