How to become independent from the system? Money will be replaced by alternative finances, blockchain, decentralized systems of governance.

How To Become Independent From The System? What About Money?

How to become independent from the system? Money will be replaced by alternative finances, blockchain, decentralized systems of governance. Remain in the old reality. Independence form the system. Money in the new reality.

Independence from the system. Money in the new reality

Is it possible to become independent from the system if the future of money is digital? If cash disappears and will be replaced by digits, would it make people who use money more vulnerable before the system?

It will happen, no doubt if money, and subsequently, the digital money would remain in a strictly centralized state of control, just like the owners of today’s Sephiroth Tree operating system want it to be. The system we are transitioning to, the Three Circles system will no longer have the second circle, it will move into the center, meaning that it would become more dependent hierarchically, hierarchically weaker than the circle of the proto-foundations Life-and-Death and Love-and-Hate.

In other words, in the circle of life of any person, their personal reality will stand higher than Tradition, higher than the generally accepted concepts of Good and Evil, and their personal reality will no longer follow the generally accepted concepts of Freedom. He will be free to choose them. In this structure, personal reality becomes higher than the social one. No centralization is possible under such a structure. The proto-foundation of Order would set the principle of decentralization. The ones who will be left with a principle of centralization are those, who would transition into the center of existence together with their systems, meaning that they will transition to a role-play level. There they will be left with a centralized governance, money, government, and whatever else comes with it. 

Those who stay in the old reality

Actual realities will be left to those who are able to manage their own resources. If your resources don’t depend on the dying out systems, then you shouldn’t worry about anything, because there are also decentralized finances. It’s understandable that not too many will use them at first. If you want to live in the old tradition, you will be forced to live in it together with its old institutes and obey them in a serfdom fashion within the Sephiroth Tree. If you exit this system, you transition to decentralized governance, meaning that no one will dictate their rules over your finances, information, or anything at all. Everything that used to be under ownership will no longer have an owner. You are the one who becomes the owner of your own reality. In order to achieve that you must forget about social institutes.

The actual meaning of the coronavirus experiment

Your question implies that you want to continue to live with social institutes. You won’t be able to do that. You either remain with the old system and its social institutes, or you exit out of it. This was the actual meaning of the coronavirus experiment created by them. 

As part of a test, they told us “If you want to take the subway, show us the paper. You can receive this paper only after a certain manipulation. If you want to go to the bank, show us the paper. Want to work – show the paper, want to go to a restaurant, and so on and so forth.” This was a test because, at that very moment, they were selling you their institutes. The subway is their institute, schools are their institute, restaurants are their institute,  hospitals are their institute, your workplace if it doesn’t belong to you but rather “to the boss” and you are just working for him, so it’s not yours, it’s his or could just belong to the government. And they are just offering you a choice, you either obey their rules and then you will have the right to use their institutes almost for free, or you don’t obey their rules, but in this case, you will no longer have access to them. It is fair, colleague, it is quite fair since it wasn’t built by you. This is how freedom works. So, now you have to decide.

Money in the new reality

Money, in the form that you are used to and you can’t imagine that it could be any other way, will be left in the old reality. Those who want to be in a new reality will be creating new forms, or perhaps have already created, new ways of mutual exchange. Study that, just simply start learning about it. Alternative finances, blockchain, decentralized systems of governance. And maybe you’ll see a new interesting meaning in it, and maybe even learn how to use it. 

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How to become independent from the system? Money will be replaced by alternative finances, blockchain, decentralized systems of governance. Remain in the old reality. Independence form the system. Money in the new reality.
