What Is Happening Today. Is This The Time Of Ragnarok?

What Is Happening Today. Is This The Time Of Ragnarok?

Ragnarok. The light mages deal with people, the dark mages deal with science, mysteries, the depths, with oneself. Magical paths. Dark magical path and Light magical path.

Are today’s events like Ragnarok?

By analogy with mythology, today’s events (the war) are like Ragnarok. But which side of the forces are current participants on?”

Let’s go back to the moment when we talked about the light and the dark side, about Light and Dark, and how to distribute them correctly, according to two magical paths, the apprenticeship and the reincarnational path. The light mages deal with people, the dark ones – with science, mysteries, the depths, with oneself. But this only applies to mages. The manifestations which are reflected in people can certainly result in being turned upside down. And besides, in the human world, some of the concepts have a slightly different connotation than in the magical world.

Light and dark mages

From the magical perspective, they have to do with a magical specification, a specialization of activities in the process of self-manifestation of one’s own presence here. In the human world, they have more to do with morality. The light ones are good, and the dark ones are bad. It is the human psyche that determines that all good things happen in the light and all bad things happen in the dark. These attitudes are built into the culture. We think that we are doing something good, but absolutely everyone thinks they are doing something good. Is there anyone who will say about oneself, “Yes, I’m a mean person, so what?” Of course, not. 

And those who are now defending their land in Ukraine believe that they stand on the light side and, for the same reason battle against the shadow orcs, but also those who are called “the shadow orcs” somehow believe that they are on the side of the light ones and are fighting against dark spawns of Satan himself. Everyone considers themselves light, and everyone calls each other fascists. So which of them is right? It’s a matter of self-justifying. Those who attacked the country consider themselves absolutely right in this action. Because no one ever does anything without first finding a very noble, light, and honest self-explanation of his act. Exactly like the opposite side who believe the same thing.

I assure you that Hitler, with all his army and the power of the Third Reich, went to conquer both the Soviet Union and all of Europe with a very noble mission to rid this land of Judeo-Bolshevism. And everyone firmly believed in this; no one thought they were waging wars of conquest. It is clear that leaders of the Third Reich understood that the Germans needed a new living space. But they didn’t tell their soldiers about it, and all who went to the war were sure that they were undertaking a very noble mission, implicitly expanding the space of the Third Reich. When the Romans were waging wars of conquest against Europe, they were absolutely sure that they were bringing the benefits of civilization to the whole barbaric world. And it’s always the same. 

Who is your friend and who is your foe

Therefore, you’re making a terrible mistake when you start dividing the warring sides into the light and the dark, since everyone considers themselves to be the light ones and the opposite side to be the dark ones. The mind is incapable of understanding how it is possible for so much blood to be shed for the sake of some social experiment. Those who benefit from this or the other event do not always initiate it. They are just like polyps, attaching themselves when they feel that there’s a benefit. As the Romans taught us, look to who is going to profit. These here made profits, and it’s them who started the whole thing. And then you look around and see that there’s another one profiting from it, and there are many more who are trying to make small or big profits. So who did this? Who started all this? And that’s when you start to realize that everything is not as simple as it seems. And that all those who are more or less benefiting from this process, just happened to be at the right time, in the right place, and simply seized the moment. Those who initiated all of this don’t advertise themselves. Because the people who start such processes are not quite people, firstly, and secondly, they have long-term interests and plenty of time. So they can afford to get winnings many years later when no one will remember what was the cause for these very benefits.

Your prerogative is to determine who is your friend and who is your foe in this conflict. And it doesn’t really matter what color he is. 

I want you to remember that each person who took up and pointed a gun at the opposite side has a dozen self-explanations about the rightness of his actions. And when two barrels of a gun are staring down at each other, every side has quite righteous motives. Even complete maniacs who should be put away forever in a strait-jacket in an asylum have such a massive goal and mission within them that will justify any of their actions – that’s how people work. This is exactly what the Christians did when they massacred the heathen tribes. And so did the Romans. And this is what the Muslims do while, in the name of their god, sparing neither their own people nor the others. That’s how people are, they are just people, and that’s how their consciousness works.

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