
Praying For Someone Against His Will. When someone asks on your behalf, he programs your consciousness, your virtual image, and tries you to a religious channel.

Praying For Someone Against His Will

“If monks and priests of completely different religious faiths pray for a person without his request or knowledge, how does it affect his consciousness, especially if he is committed to the Northern Tradition, and since childhood develops himself magically?” In general, if you develop yourself in the Northern Tradition, then it will be similar to overcoming challenges.


About Esoteric Communities Today. Esoteric Communities. Disguise and manifestation of Abrahamic religions: Christianity, Islam, Judaism, and Eastern religions.

About Esoteric Communities Today

“Lately, there are many esoteric groups rooted in Eastern esoteric tradition. But somehow, they are all very similar to Christianity. Is this the result of Eastern teachings being placed over Christianity? Like Christianity wearing an Eastern mask? Or were such concepts actually a part of Eastern esoteric systems?”
Most likely, this is a disguise of Abrahamic religions; they are really fond of putting on masks and have absolutely no shame in dressing up in someone else’s clothing.


What Is Happening Today. Is This The Time Of Ragnarok?

What Is Happening Today. Is This The Time Of Ragnarok?

“By analogy with mythology, today’s events (the war) are like Ragnarok. But which side of the forces are current participants on?” From the magical perspective, they have to do with a magical specification, a specialization of activities in the process of self-manifestation of one’s own presence here. In the human world, they have more to do with morality.


How to become independent from the system? Money will be replaced by alternative finances, blockchain, decentralized systems of governance.

How To Become Independent From The System? What About Money?

“Is it possible to become independent from the system if the future of money is digital? If cash disappears and will be replaced by digits, would it make people who use money more vulnerable before the system?” The system we are transitioning to, the Three Circles system will no longer have the second circle


Society's zombification by mass media. Everyone's for themselves What is left is your own professionalism, your personal right to freedom, and your personal skill. Zombification of society by mass media.

Society’s Zombification by Mass Media

“Is it true that all people within society are zombified in a certain way by mass media? How can one escape their traps? What can be done to return a person back to his own self?” There is nothing you can do about it since these are the conditions of the game. You can’t live someone else’s life, you can’t give your own strength to another person. The exception is your own children and only up to a certain age.


About magical transformation

About Magical Transformation

During the course of our study, we frequently repeat that time is needed in order to achieve transformation. Is it truly so or maybe, if a person is ready for the change and is honest with himself, perhaps, he doesn’t need that much time after all?”
When we enter the process of magical transformation, we never know what we are about to face? our own consciousness is not known to us.
