General Theory of Magic

Newborn circumcision is an adapted Judaic ritual. The symbolism of circumcision is a symbolic act of communion with the Judaic god Yahweh.

Newborn Circumcision

“In the US, for several generations now, it has been customary to circumcise baby boys right after birth, pretty much all of them. A boy is born, gets circumcised, and then returns back to his mom. Could you tell us about the meaning behind these actions, and how these consequences can be eliminated?’
As you understand, once the foreskin is surgically removed, you can’t sew it back on, you can’t reverse the procedure. It is a secularly adapted Judaic ritual.


Mother's Curse

Mother’s Curse

“If your mother curses you and wishes you dead, what should be done? How to avoid everything she is doing?”
A mother’s curse is the scariest thing out there. When you curse your own child, you are actually cursing yourself, you are cursing your own blood. And the curse you cast on your own child automatically comes back to you. But that doesn’t make it any easier for the child.


General Theory of Magic course. The series of articles

Articles from the General Theory of Magic (GTM) course The General Theory of Magic. Lesson 1: General Theory of Magic. GTM Lesson 1 Part 1 Magic: What Is It? GTM Lesson 1 Part 2 The Source Of Magical Power. GTM Lesson 1 Part 3 The Proto-Foundations: What Are They? GTM Lesson 1 Part 4.1 The …

General Theory of Magic course. The series of articles Read More »


General Theory of Magic. GTM. AD LIB Department.

General Theory of Magic (GTM)

The General Theory of Magic is a course in the study of the laws, algorithms and tools of the magical art, where students are challenged to recognise, feel and see the progenitor of a particular algorithm and tool, to gain support and be empowered to use them to become more than a person, to become what we call a Mage.


GTM. How to read magical literature2b

How to read magical literature? Part 2

One who follows the path of magical development always strives to gain knowledge. And our main source is, of course, books. Surely each of you has encountered different genres of literature on your journey, from entertainment and news to occult grimoires and serious scientific publications.


GTM. How to read magical literature

How to read magic literature? Part 1

One of the most important moments in the General Theory of Magic (GTM) course is knowing how to read specific magical literature.
The literature recommended in the course is quite specific and you may not want to read it at all. However, even if you do not want to, you should still make the effort to read it.
