2 курс факультета "Таро": Малые Арканы - Система трансформации сознания по древу Сефирот. Масти карт таро, в соответствии с четырьмя стихиями

Minor Arcana

2nd Tarot course: Minor Arcana 

At the second phase of this unique course in the Tarot, our students continue their evolution from the bottom up in spiral through the system of Sephiroth and acquire experience (mastery) at each evolutionary stage in order to consolidate their rights on it. 

The 2nd Tarot course consists of 14 classes, just like there are 14 Minor Arcana cards in each of the 4 suits, where the suits represent the 4 elements. Classes take place in the same step-by-step manner as in the 1st Tarot course.

The immersion scheme is divided into three stages:
1. The first stage – deuces, threes, fours, fives, sixes

2. The second stage – sevens, eights, nines, tens 

3. The third stage – pages, knights, queens, kings and aces

Each step is given to a group of 4 Minor Arcana cards of the same value

A break of at least a week between each stage is mandatory for successful transformation.

The process is not fast, but it is worth it. Those who finish it are rewarded generously – by changing the essence and strength, gaining magical knowledge and amending their contract with the system.

Additional information about the course can be found on the main page of the Tarot Department.

Admission: 2nd course of Main Department: Astral Body Bassics Lessons 1-4, сompleted 1st Tarot cource: Major Arcana and 1st course of Elements Department: Bassics Lessons 1-4. 
NB! Admission to the 2nd Tarot course is available only after an interview with Menshikova School Mentor!

To take part in the Tarot course, students will need to purchase a premium-quality classic Rider-Waite tarot deck in advance.

This course will be available in English soon. Stay tuned!

The 2nd Tarot course: Minor Arcana  – consists of 14 modules learnt in the following sequence:

  1. Deuces
  2. Threes
  3. Fours
  4. Fives
  5. Sixes
  6. Sevens
  7. Eights
  8. Nines
  9. Tens
  10. Pages
  11. Knights
  12. Queens
  13. Kings
  14. Aces