Newborn Circumcision is a secularly adapted Judaic ritual. The symbolism of circumcision is a symbolic act of communion with the Judaic god Yahweh.
Newborn Circumcision – an adapted Judaic ritual
In the US, for several generations now, it has been customary to circumcise baby boys right after birth, pretty much all of them. A boy is born, gets circumcised, and then returns back to his mom. Of course, this happens only with parental consent, but usually, parents always allow it. Could you tell us about the meaning behind these actions, and how these consequences can be eliminated?
As you understand, once the foreskin is surgically removed, you can’t sew it back on, you can’t reverse the procedure. It is a secularly adapted Judaic ritual.
The United States in general, as a system, is an offspring of Judaism. It is just that it has taken a less orthodoxical form thanks to an intermediary, the protestant tradition. In their day, protestants founded this country. Protestants lean mostly on the Old Testament, instead of the New Testament. Which is why Judaism can be seen there with the naked eye. What concerns the symbolism of circumcision itself, it is a symbolic act of communion with the Judaic god Yahweh. Who, as it is told, was not only circumcised but also had no special parts whatsoever. This also has its meaning, but I will be telling you about this in our General Theory of Magic course when we will be discussing the Sumerians.
There is a rule that exists in all religious systems – not just the monotheistic ones, but in the polytheistic ones as well. That causing certain symbolic injury to yourself, an injury akin to that of your own god, signifies a deeper connection and a sort of dedication of oneself to that particular god. As you understand, the high rate of newborn circumcision in the US signifies an automatic initiation of a person to a certain secular version of Judaism. Such phenomena don’t really exist officially, but in general, it does actually exist. It is a sort of religious conversion.
Once upon a time, as it is told by the biblical tales, when certain characters and kings of the Old Testament antiquity, like Saul or David, went to fight their adversaries, they used to bring back precisely the cut-off genitals of their enemies. Different Puritan books describe it in different ways, some did insist that it was just the foreskins. But think about it, is there really time, on the battlefield, to cut off these foreskins? It is much easier and faster to cut off the entire deal down there. Other, even more bashful authors, said that it was actually the ears they used to cut off, but that is, of course, not the truth. They used to cut off particularly the deal below the waist, and not the ears or some other body parts, for the very reason of paying tribute to the circumcised, or more accurately – to the castrated god, as an offering to him, a sort of compensation. And for themselves, they gave themselves a symbolic injury, which meant that “Me and my god are one and the same. I carry the seal of my god”. That is why the injury was done to a very particular body part, and not somewhere else.
In order to tease out this symbolism you, of course, must immerse yourselves in all the books of the Old Testament as well as the legends of the Sumer-Akkadian pantheon which are the precursor to the books of the Old Testament. You would have to compare all this literature, draw the parallels, and see the connections, the causes, and the sources of everything that is going on. And if you don’t have the time or skills to look at mythological literature from this angle, then I welcome you all to our General Theory of Magic course.
I did give you a clue, if you are interested in this subject, feel free to do your own research. And if you need a more truthful explanation about the circumcision itself, try to hear me and give yourself an answer to the following question: Are you ready to commit your son to the judaic god, first of all, in infancy, second of all, irreversibly, and third, without even taking into consideration your, and most importantly, his will and desire? Since everyone who is committed to the judaic god, automatically becomes his servant. Those who are committed to the christian god, meaning, his son, they too become un-free. Because another name for baptism is “spiritual circumcision”. The symbolism is the same, it’s just the ritual that is different.
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