AD LIB Department

The Ad Libitum Department consists of workshops and lectures that don’t require any prerequisite knowledge or skills. It would be appropriate for those who have not yet started their studies in the Menshikova School and for those who would like to deepen their knowledge that has been acquired through the studies in the Main Department.

This department is for those who are just at the beginning of their magical path as well as for those whose inquisitive minds tend to have ten more questions to one found answer.

The Wheel of the Year.

The Wheel of the Year. Pagan Holidays.

All four elements during the calendar year (the Wheel of Year) go through the stages of falling asleep and awakening, thus forming eight fixed points – the points of power during which transition takes place, the elemental reconstruction of space. The ritualistic tradition of the Slavs and the Celts was designed for the attuning of the human consciousness to the realm of natural forces during the moments of transition – and in this regard, they were able to perfect it.


Mabon. Ovsen. September 20-23. The Autumn Equinox. Pagan Holidays on the Wheel of the Year. Waning of the Water element. Celtic Festivity.

Mabon. (Ovsen). The Wheel of the Year. Pagan Holidays.

From this day on, in the world of nature, the waning of the Water Element begins. The combination of Air and Water gives motion to the current of time, but from the moment the Air starts to wane, it becomes as if slower, and the decrease of the activity of the Water Element seems to stop it altogether. The myth of the birth and becoming of a young god shows that his journey in search of power and experience takes him away from this world. 


Beltane. May 1st. The Wheel of Year. Pagan Holidays. Awakening of the Earth Element.

Beltane. The Wheel of Year. Pagan Holidays.

May 1st. On this day, the Earth element awakens. Awakened by Water, it opens itself up, letting power into the outside world. By the time when Earth awakens, Air and Water have already set the rhythm of time flow for the rest of the year: the rate at which events will occur, and the speed of new changes. Now is the time to manifest what has been done.


How the egregorial world controls your goals

How the egregorial world controls your goals

Egregore is the fiefdom of the Buddhic Body. It represents an independent inanimate formation, but highly informational, which performs a controlling function to the Causal body (the body of experience and chains of cause-and-effect relationships). The Causal body predetermines that the time flowing through the consciousness of every living being will be directed in a certain way.


Questions from students on "The Power of the Bloodline"course

Questions from students on “The Power of the Bloodline”course

During my work with the course “The Power of the Bloodline”, the following questions came up. If the family branches are divided between two countries, but the communication still exists, does this mean that there will only be one regina for both branches or will each country have its own regina? 200 years ago my ancestors moved to Russia, and during the War in the 90’s most of them went to Germany”.


True Woman

Do you ever feel like you are dissolving in the surrounding world and all your attemts draw attention to yourself end up in failure? It is about time to remember the old unwritten rule: “Every problem has a cause. Once you find the cause – you will solve the problem”. This book is magical. You …

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  WORKSHOPS Workshop “Extrasensory Perception” The aim of this workshop is to develop the abilities of the Etheric body. Advanced work with the sphere of sensations will allow you to gain a deep understanding of the inner and outside world, develop intuition, improve the quality of your life and give you the opportunity to reach …

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AD LIBITUM Department. AD LIB Department.

AD LIBITUM Department

The Ad Libitum Department consists of workshops and lectures that don’t require any prerequisite knowledge or skills. It would be appropriate for those who have not yet started their studies in the Menshikova School and for those who would like to deepen their knowledge that has been acquired through the studies in the Main Department.
