AD LIB Department

Place for Discussion

The Menshikova School holds different types of meeting in the form of discussions on specific topics. It is a possibility for free communication of students on the topics of education in the Menshikova School, magic and esoterics. It’s an opportunity to get answers to your questions from the mentors of the School.


General Theory of Magic. GTM. AD LIB Department.

General Theory of Magic (GTM)

The General Theory of Magic is a course in the study of the laws, algorithms and tools of the magical art, where students are challenged to recognise, feel and see the progenitor of a particular algorithm and tool, to gain support and be empowered to use them to become more than a person, to become what we call a Mage.


Goals and Values. AD LIBITUM Department. AD LIB Department. Change the line of your fate.

Goals and Values

The unique Goals and Values workshop helps you align your goals with your values. Participants work to uncover their true motivations in life by analysing the reasons for their own desires and actions, and gain a powerful magical tool for aligning goals and values.
