Jinx or Evil eye is an energetic damage that affects the Etheric body; it appears because of negative emotions, hatred or envy. Breach of the energy field. Negative vibrations.
What is ‘Evil eye’?
The simplest and most common type of damage to the energy field that there is, and that is widely described in culture, is energetic damage that people usually call Jinx or Evil eye. It usually affects the Etheric body and partially the Astral body. More accurately, the Astral body gives permission for a certain problem to penetrate the level of the Etheric body.
The breach of the energy field results in a serious outburst of energy that extends from one person to the other. As a rule, it is always directed and appears on the grounds of negative emotion, hatred or, for example, envy. It is always a highly concentrated emotion that is directed towards a particular recipient. Wherein this particular addressee, the recipient of this problem, must within this moment remain in a certain state of consciousness to allow such damage to happen. Because a healthy psyche, in one way or another, controls the Etheric body, and the density of the Etheric body with a healthy psyche won’t let such breach occur in the first place.
In fact, jinx disappears on its own after seven days. Unless you purposely nourish it. How can you purposely nourish it? It is when a consciousness and the actual person himself remains surrounded by a certain aggressive environment, in an atmosphere of constant anger, constant envy.
Thus a jinx could be easily caught somewhere in a subway, during an event with an elevated emotional environment and an elevated atmosphere of aggression.
How does it manifest?
On the most simple level, it is manifested by a sudden change in mood. A quick malaise that, in general, also goes away very fast. It is enough to take a shower, take a high dose of vitamin C, drink a cup of hot sweet tea, and you feel like things are getting better. Also, it may manifest as apathy, in this case, it is quite a prolonged moment, when subconsciousness can’t overcome this problem on its own.
In order to determine the source of a jinx, you just need to remember the moment when this problem appeared. Because usually, the damage appears suddenly and can be felt right away. Sometimes it is possible to get jinxed over the phone, but it is always some type of a personal contact. Therefore, since such contact is always individual and strictly directed, it can be easily traced back.
What should you do next?
Draw conclusions. Determine – rather than just realize – that a person has a slightly unfriendly feeling towards you, and understand the reason for it. And the reason always lies within a person. Perhaps you yourself provided a reason. As a rule, it is always envy. This means that it should, firstly, be determined what they are envious about and at least try arranging your life in such a way as not to demonstrate it to everyone. Generally, I always recommend to my students to reveal as little as possible about themselves in order to avoid that. Information about you is your personal experience, it is your personal history.
Ask yourself a question: “Is everyone deserving to receive your personal experience for free? Does everyone deserve to have access to your personal history?”
Review your own behaviour in regards to your surrounding environment, in regards to people close to you and those who are not, as an unlimited group of users from social media, as well as a limited group of users on behalf of your friends.
If it happened that you opened yourself up and received a breach, it is not so terrible. You simply need to recognize it in a timely manner and immediately take measures. Meaning that you will need to work out your Etheric body, this would usually immediately allow you to squeeze out all negative vibrations from your consciousness, from your Etheric body.
Take a contrast shower, drink something that contains vitamin C or just vitamin C on its own. Just cheer yourself up, perk up your consciousness, improve your immune system, and then this problem won’t reach your physical body. And, of course, think about the reasons why you opened yourself up before the surrounding environment. What in the world made you think that people around you are cute and cuddly, beautiful creatures, why would this notion enter your head in the first place.
Additional Information:
- Main Department – 1st Course. The Etheric body – Energetic Damages: diagnostics, correction and prevention
- Forum “MAGIC UNITED” – 1st Course. Energetic damages
Literary Sources:
- Energetic Damage: What is it? The lecture on Energetic Damage, Part 1
- Recommendations for natural protection
- What is human consciousness and how does it work?
- Lack of energy. What should you do?
- The structure of human consciousness. Part 1
- Energetic Damage: What is it? The lecture on Energetic Damage. Part 1
Educational Materials:
- 1st Course. Etheric body. All seminars
- Book. Intricacies of Fate, or What Dimension do you Live in?
- Book. Health through the Power of the Elements
- Book. Magic Q&A 3: Physical and Energetic Health