Admission Policies. Senior courses transition guidelines. Terms of studies. Recommended study sequence. Conditions of getting access to the Runes, Elements, Tarot Departments.

Admission Policies


Rules of admission to senior courses and access to the Elements, Runes, and Tarot Departments in the Menshikova School.

To transfer to the next course (to purchase the recorded seminars for independent study) you must have studied all the material and mastered all the practices from the previous course.

Whether you study in an online group or asynchronously, the rules are the same for everyone without exceptions!


There is a recommended minimum time frame for passing the courses. Until then, a student is not admitted for an interview:

– After the 1st Main course (Etheric body), admission to the 2nd Main course (Astral Body) can be obtained not earlier than 1.5 months.

– Studying the 2nd course of the Main Department (Astral body) takes at least 2 months

– Studying the 3d course of the Main Department (Mental body) – at least 4 months

– Studying the 4th course of the Main Department (Causal body) – at least 6 months

– Studying the 5th course of the Main Department (Buddhic body) – at least 12 months

– Studying the 1st course of the Elements Department – at least 6 months

– Studying the 1st course of the Runes Department – at least 9 months (a break between the Initiation and an interview for the 2nd Rune course – 3 months)

– A break between the Arcanas XVI and XVII, X and IX – at least 3 weeks.

 -A Break between the I Major Arcanum and the Interview for the 2nd course of Tarot (Minor Arcana) – at least 1 month

– Studying the 2nd course of the Runes Department (Runes and Gods) – at least 6 months for each of the 5 stages


Each course has a prescribed sequence of study.

The study of additional seminars for the 1st Main course is only possible after the completion of the basic lessons of the 1st Main course (4 days).

Admission to the 2nd course is open if the recommended minimum time between courses has already passed and all lessons of the 1st main course (4 days + additional seminars) have been completed.

In order to gain access you need to pass the interview with the mentor of the Menshikova School and apply for through your personal account. 

The full list of lessons for each course and the recommended sequence can be found here.

Admission to the 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th courses of the Main Department, as well as the Elements, Runes, and Tarot Departments, can be gained after an interview with a mentor about the direction of further training. The purpose of the interview is to determine if the student is ready for further training in the methods of the School.

You can request online lessons 24 hours after the interview through the Schedule section. 

Recorded seminars agreed with your mentor can be purchased for independent study in the Store immediately after the interview.

Pre-registration for online classes is MANDATORY!


To get access to the Runes, Elements, and Tarot Departments, each student of the Menshikova School should master:

T0 gain access to study of the Minor Arcana in the Tarot Department, a student must additionally complete the entire 1st Course of the Elements Department (online or asynchronously).

To gain access to the 2nd Course of the Elements Department (Elemental realms), a student must additionally complete the entire 1st Course of the Elements Department and basic lessons of the 4th course of the Main Department (Causal body – 3 days).

In order to gain access to the Rune-3, a student must additionally complete the Rune-1, Rune-2, and 1st Course of the Elements Department.

Must-read for all online seminar participants!

Each student studies independently, online with a group or asynchronously. Only one matrix tool will be given per each one purchased 1st course admission. Each student follows their own path from the beginning and on individually. 

Multiple people can not study via one application!

Unofficial materials found on the internet are not accepted as part of the study path. 

Prior training in any system, in any other school, or from any other master does not affect the access to the senior courses of the Menshikova School. Consciousness must be properly prepared  in the 1st and 2nd Main courses of the Menshikova School. And no other way. These are the rules of the School and the strict requirements of the master.

Reading Ksenia Menshikova’s books does not give the status of a student. This cannot be used as a basis for admission to the senior courses without prior study online with a group or asynchronously.


Rules of admission to senior courses
