No energy for magical practice, blockage within the consciousness, or inability to take energy from the outside world? Magical consciousness.
No Energy for Magical Practice
What can cause a lack of power and energy for magical practice, and how can it be restored?
There can be several reasons for this. They fall into two categories: external and internal.
The internal reasons have to do with a kind of blockage within the consciousness that prevents the passage of certain currents of powers on which the magical discipline is based.
The external reasons are caused by processes when currents are blocked intentionally or due to some fatal situation in the outside world.
We will be able to see and understand this matter well if we remind ourselves of the sevenfold structure of the human consciousness.
The physical, Etheric and Astral bodies accumulate and process the energy that one takes in from the external world and from the internal source. The higher bodies: The Atmic, Buddhic, and Causal form packages of knowledge about how this energy should be used. The Mental body, which is in the middle between them, is a kind of map that describes the territory for us and serves as a mediator. Realizing this, we can ask ourselves the question. At what level has the blockage occurred? And it is necessary not only to understand it but also to feel it. If the blockage occurred on the energy levels, it means that something happened with the energy generator (with the physical, Etheric, or Astral bodies). If the blockage occurred on the higher levels, it means that something happened to the information layers. In the latter case, it can be some information that blocks other information and does not give the opportunity to take energy from the outside world. The magic law says: “The more informationally filled the higher layers of consciousness are, the more energy they are able to attract from the surrounding world at once.”
Thus, for a developed magical consciousness, it is no problem to take energy from any source. Because inside there is a certain generator that transforms one kind of energy into another. There will always be enough of it and of the quality you need. Obviously, something has happened to the informational layers of consciousness, but the problem can also happen to the energetic layers of consciousness, that is, the generator that processes one type of energy into another has broken down.
Find the Source of the Problem
It is necessary to find the source of the problem. This can be done by one’s own internal diagnosis, and one who is engaged in magical practices can, while listening to one’s sensations, ask oneself questions, forming a certain complete volume of memory, which will tell what happened the day before, from what moment one felt the outflow of energy, what contributed to it.
To do this, you should slowly go through all the subtle bodies and listen to yourself to see where you feel the lack of energy. When you find out the level, begin to study the causes.
The external reasons do not happen very often. The energetic world from which we receive nourishment is stable and has all the self-regulating systems. Unless, of course, there are problems that are fatal. A volcanic eruption, a flood, and some natural disasters. But this problem is obvious, and usually during natural disasters the magical consciousness does not lose energy, but gains it, because it creates massive bursts of energy. But sometimes it happens that the magical consciousness is used to and has adapted to work on certain energy frequencies, for example, on the frequencies of Earth, and suddenly something starts to change with these frequencies. The consciousness, not being accustomed to such changes, simply blocks the energy of Earth at this moment. You can feel it by the work of the first chakra, by the state of your vital rhythm. Shift your point of attention deep into Earth and see what is happening there. And if you realize that the frequencies you are used to working with are mandatory, that your consciousness cannot yet work on other frequencies, then you must move with your current of powers.
Sometimes the higher channel of information is blocked. The connection to one’s gods is lost. The reason can be both internal (blocking of this channel) and external (egregorial wars or battle of the gods). It is difficult to deal with, but it is possible. You just have to be prepared that the information current will stop for some time. You should perceive such changes as a cold or a virus.
Perhaps you need to cleanse yourself, get rid of toxins, and change your diet, for example, you were a vegetarian, but you became a meat eater or vice versa. So listen to yourself, listen to your desires. What do you lack? Suddenly you want to read something, watch something, talk to someone, think about something, perform some ritual. Nothing ever happens by accident.
The Mental body may ask for some additional information, and again, one should listen to its needs. The Mental body does not play the last role here, although in consciousness it is like a reflection of the world. Sometimes it happens that this volume of memory overflows. For example, you are saturated with some information and your consciousness says, “I can’t take it anymore, let me rest. The Mental body can block the sources of information. It makes it impossible to take energy from the outside world, the Astral realm, and the Etheric plane. Therefore it seems that your consciousness, deprived of these sources, becomes de-energized.
Next, you may need to get into an event just to transition to another time stream or to another series of events. Here it is also necessary to listen to your desires. In the consciousness of a mage, nothing ever happens for nothing, everything is meant for work.
Look around you. Perhaps you have brought some element into your space, some artifact that has certain symbols that are some kind of egregorial channel, it blocks some sources of information. Or you may have received a gift with meaning.
You can make a request to your force through meditation and try to get information about what the problem is and what you need to do to level it out.
Everyone chooses their own methods to solve this problem. Some people start by grounding themselves by doing some physical work, for example. But this usually does not help if a person is very dependent on his own body. On the contrary, one may become stubborn in performing some rituals.
You should understand very well that we live in an energy-information, living world, and different things happen in it. And nothing will ever be stable, including your own channels, protection, contacts, and energy – everything will change and you just have to be plastic. To feel the changes, to understand them, to maneuver between them, to adapt, and always stay on track. Remember that you have your own purpose and you realize it in this event-based field.
Additional Information:
- Main Department – 1st Course. The Etheric body
- Ad Libitum Department – Magic in Questions and Answers – General Theory of Magic
- Forum “MAGIC UNITED” – Magic Questions and Answers
Literary Sources:
- What is human consciousness and how does it work?
- Why are mental disorders so common nowadays?
- Personal self-development vs. magical growth
- Lack of energy. What should you do?
- The structure of human consciousness. Part 1
- Initiation into magic
Educational Materials:
- 1st Course. Etheric body. All seminars
- Book. Magic Q&A 4: Beginning the Magical Path
- Book. Magic Q&A 10: Sorcerer, Priest, Mage