
Why do people get tattoos? The archaic meaning of a tattoo is a seal, a sign of belonging to a certain kin, tribe, or a specific caste system.

The meaning of tattoos

‘I have a colleague who keeps getting tattoos, she has many of them, over half of her body is covered, and she wants to get more. Why do people get tattoos?’ The archaic meaning of a tattoo is a seal, a sign of belonging to a certain kin, tribe, or a specific caste system. Tattoo’s entire story and evolutionary process help us conclude that for a person himself, as well as for those around him, tattoos represent a seal that, according to him, defines his specific social status.



Elemental Realm: FIRE+AIR

The Fiery, Etheric World is a process of creating something, and the natural phenomenon that arises from such an elemental combination also speaks of processes, but says nothing about the results—they can vary greatly and be perceived in many different ways.



Elemental Realm: FIRE+WATER

There is plenty of Fire, little Water. There is so much Fire that Water changes its state and turns into steam. Fire does not derive nourishment from Water; on the contrary, Water somewhat restrains Fire but pays for it with its nature, its natural existence.


Fire Earth

Elemental Realm: FIRE + EARTH

There’s plenty of Fire, less Earth, significantly less. For Fire, Earth acts as food, support, and assistance in manifesting its properties uniquely and without losses. To see such a reflection in the human world, let’s try to find analogs in the natural world.


индивидуальный рунический код

Individual Runic Code. Runes Department

An Individual’s Runic Code consists of three runes: the Rune of Essense (Fate), the Rune of Identity, and the Golden Rune. The interpretation of the Individual Runic Code allows people to discover their unique characteristics that each person brings to this incarnation, as well as the qualities that need to be acquired over a lifetime, thereby realizing their own individual purpose, living up to their true potential. Ultimately, this enables the creation of an Individual Runic Amulet, which helps the person in realizing their goal and destiny.


How did the ancient gods suddenly become demons? Thouthankd years of demonization of gods. Pagan consciousness. Ancient gods. Gods are universe-scale minds.

How Did The Ancient Gods Suddenly Become Demons?

“What are the effects of two thousand years of demonization of some gods on their manifestation, essence, and their vibrational characteristics? For example, many years of consecutive celebration of the New Year turn it into a ritual in some way, and this date acquires an energy potential as well as a sacred sense”…



4d course. Control. Configuration of Space

And to this moment, the possibilities of magical transformation of reality and space structuring through the control of connections within the proto-foundations (their projections) are being revealed to the consciousness that had passed through preliminary training.
