RUNES department

Runes and Gods

Runes and Gods Course

This course deeply explores legends and myths: students learn to see the hidden meanings and encrypted messages within them. They study the gods of the Northern pantheon, each of whom provides their own channel of power. Each lesson involves studying formulas and bindings that are enhanced or only work on the specific channel of the northern gods.


индивидуальный рунический код

Individual Runic Code. Runes Department

An Individual’s Runic Code consists of three runes: the Rune of Essense (Fate), the Rune of Identity, and the Golden Rune. The interpretation of the Individual Runic Code allows people to discover their unique characteristics that each person brings to this incarnation, as well as the qualities that need to be acquired over a lifetime, thereby realizing their own individual purpose, living up to their true potential. Ultimately, this enables the creation of an Individual Runic Amulet, which helps the person in realizing their goal and destiny.


Rune Dagaz

Rune Dagaz

Dagaz completes the runic row, making its symbolic meaning clearer — breakthrough. This rune signifies completion, initiation, and, in a way, enlightenment. Dagaz ends the transformation of consciousness and changes the existing state of affairs in accordance with the transformation of the inner world that has been accomplished through all the preceding runes.


Rune Othala

Rune Othala

The rune Othala is traditionally defined as a noble person, clover. The Rune of Heritage.The heritage you leave for those living after you must be left behind so you don’t have to carry this burden from life to life.


Rune Inguz

Rune Inguz

The symbolic definition of the rune is Fertility. This rune teaches us to see the result in everything that has been done so far. Even if the inception of a new beginning, a new idea, or a completed action happened quite a while ago, you will still eventually, in one way or another, receive a result.


Rune Laguz

Rune Laguz

The traditional meaning of the rune Laguz is water, as a stream, as a carrying force. The rune Laguz encompasses intuitive knowledge, sharpens hypersensitivity, and teaches us to track the currents of forces correctly, to be in the flow, to catch the moment, and to use the world’s power for our own benefit.
