


The physical plane is formed by an elemental combination where the primary element is Earth, and the elements of Fire, Water, and Air complement it. This complementation allows only certain properties of the Earth element to be highlighted, restricting specific functions within the designated space.




The etheric plane is formed when there is a strong dominance of Fire over another element. The main properties of Fire are expansion, mobility, and absorption. These features are also present in the subspaces of the Fire element, but each accompanying element allows Fire to manifest in a unique quality in each individual subspace.


General Theory of Magic. GTM. AD LIB Department.

General Theory of Magic (GTM)

The General Theory of Magic is a course in the study of the laws, algorithms and tools of the magical art, where students are challenged to recognise, feel and see the progenitor of a particular algorithm and tool, to gain support and be empowered to use them to become more than a person, to become what we call a Mage.


In the Tarot 2 Minor Arcana course, students continue their development from the bottom up, moving in a spiral through the Sephiroth system, gaining experience (mastery) at each evolutionary stage to consolidate their rights to it. 

Minor Arcana

In the Tarot 2 Minor Arcana course, students continue their development from the bottom up, moving in a spiral through the Sephiroth system, gaining experience (mastery) at each evolutionary stage to consolidate their rights to it. 


Tarot major arcana

Major Arcana

In the Tarot-1 Major Arcana course students learn about the magical system of the Tarot, the worlds and the structure of the Sephiroth Tree. Students awaken hidden reserves within themselves by artificially raising the assemblage point.


Tarot departmnet

Tarot Department

The Tarot is a very ancient system, and no matter what is said about it today, no matter what assumptions are made about its origins, the history of the creation of these card portals goes back to the depths of the centuries, to the ancient pyramids of Egypt, to sacred tombs and Forces whose power and influence the human mind cannot comprehend.


Runes and Gods

Runes and Gods Course

This course deeply explores legends and myths: students learn to see the hidden meanings and encrypted messages within them. They study the gods of the Northern pantheon, each of whom provides their own channel of power. Each lesson involves studying formulas and bindings that are enhanced or only work on the specific channel of the northern gods.
