
True Woman

Do you ever feel like you are dissolving in the surrounding world and all your attemts draw attention to yourself end up in failure? It is about time to remember the old unwritten rule: “Every problem has a cause. Once you find the cause – you will solve the problem”. This book is magical. You …

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  WORKSHOPS Workshop “Extrasensory Perception” The aim of this workshop is to develop the abilities of the Etheric body. Advanced work with the sphere of sensations will allow you to gain a deep understanding of the inner and outside world, develop intuition, improve the quality of your life and give you the opportunity to reach …

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Anti-Karmic Program

Anti-Karmic Program

Занятие “Антикармическая программа” посвящено такому понятию как карма. Это слово, так прочно вошедшее в жизнь, обычно ассоциируется со словом «неизбежность». Отчасти это так. Но только в том случае, если человек не хочет или не может извлекать уроки …


Mirror of One’s Inner World

Mental Body as a Mirror of the Inner World

The Mental body does not exist by itself. It is formed because all the subtle bodies (both higher and lower) have to be reflected somewhere. Everything that a person feels and experiences, everything that he fears and hopes for, has its representation in the form of words, concepts and patterns of behaviour. And all of this is stored in his Mental body. You can find out everything about another person if you know how to properly unpack what is stored in his Mental body.
