The Elder Futhark

Rune Wunjo

Rune Wunjo

Rune Wunjo The rune Wunjo is symbolically interpreted as joy, happiness, and harmony. In the context of working with the runes of the first Aett—powers endowed within you—this rune symbolizes “the golden mean.” It teaches finding joy and happiness in everything around you, seeing the joy in achievements, and finding positivity and seeing the effects …

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Rune Gebo

Rune Gebo

Rune Gebo The meaning of the rune Gebo is “Gift and Sacrifice,” partnership, compensation. It is a powerful rune, traditionally used for attracting luck and establishing and harmonizing partnerships.  The rune Gebo symbolizes the World of Gods—Asgard, the universal law of Equilibrium which governs all other worlds. It operates everywhere, encompassing the Worlds entirely. But …

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Rune Kenaz

Rune Kenaz

Rune Kenaz(Keno) The rune Kenaz symbolically represents light, a mystical torch, unveiling. Any energy, if not controlled, brings destruction. But controlled energy becomes a principle of creation. Fire can warm a home hearth, fuel a forge in a blacksmith shop, or it can burn an entire forest or serve as a funeral pyre. Kenaz, the …

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Rune Raidho

Rune Raidho

The traditional meaning of the rune Raidho is horse riding, wheel, and road. Rune Raidho Raidho — the rune of life’s path, describing a person’s life. It suggests that understanding the purpose of human actions is achieved through movement, through dynamics, that is, over time. Time is a complex concept. It is objective for everyone …

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Rune Ansuz

Rune Ansuz

Rune Ansuz — The Rune of Knowledge Rune Ansuz — The Rune of Knowledge Ansuz is the rune of informational flow, traditionally named “mouth of the river”, a place where one stream flows into another, symbolizing the mixing of water currents of information. Ansuz is associated with the god Odin, who brought the runes to …

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Rune Thurisaz

Rune Thurisaz

The rune Thurisaz in its traditional meaning stands for “Thorn”, “Gate”, “Giant”. This rune is dedicated to the God Thor (in the Slavic pantheon, Perun) — the God of Warriors.. Rune Thurisaz The rune Thurisaz in its traditional meaning stands for “Thorn”, “Gate”, “Giant”. This rune is dedicated to the God Thor (in the Slavic …

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The rune Uruz — aurochs, bison, symbolizes vital force. Rune URUZ Vital force is the primal essence without which no person can exist. You may have an excellent education, a wonderful family, loyal friends, but if you lack health, all the world’s benefits lose their meaning. Health indicates the presence of vital forces in the …

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Rune Fehu

Rune Fehu

Description of runes Fehu: interpretation, meaning, symbolic value. Rune Fehu Its symbolic meaning is wealth, cattle, property. However, one should not forget that all runes are highly allegorical and should not be taken literally. The concepts of “cattle” and “wealth,” which symbolize this rune, primarily talk about possession, property rights, and the inner potential that …

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Elder Futhark Course

Runes. Course 1. Elder Futhark

The first level in knowing the runes comprises 26 classes (an introductory lesson, 24 runes and a final lesson) and an initiation to the runic magic ceremony. Non-attendance of any class is not allowed. At the end of this level, students can continue their study in Norse tradition in more depth in the second level course “Runes and Deities”.
