
Receiving Responses From Gods Of Different Pantheons (Video)

Receiving Responses From Gods Of Different Pantheons (Video)

Receiving Responses From Gods Of Different Pantheons Is it possible to receive responses from gods of different pantheons during the search for your own force? Ones that are of different areas of influence and functions? From Poseidon and Odin, for example. And if you derive from a God of Law does it definitely mean that …

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The Search And Connection With Your Own Gods. Part 2 (Video)

The Search And Connection With Your Own Gods. Part 2 (Video)

The Search And Connection With Your Own Gods In your lectures and methodologies quite a lot of attention is being devoted to the process of searching and connecting to one’s own gods, the progenitors. You also mention the souls who, by the way of their creation, are not a part of gods’ consciousness, but rather …

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Are There People Who’ve Derived From Thanatos? (Video)

Are There People Who’ve Derived From Thanatos? (Video)

Are there people who’ve derived from Thanatos? – Are there people who’ve derived from god Thanatos, people who ruin everything they touch? – I wouldn’t say that they are his embodiment. I would rather say that they are the carriers of the program of god Thanatos. That would be a better formulation, since the god …

Are There People Who’ve Derived From Thanatos? (Video) Read More »


How Did The Ancient Gods Suddenly Become Demons? (Video)

How Did The Ancient Gods Suddenly Become Demons? (Video)

The gods, their minds, and the established cults represent multifaceted pools of information. They are extremely multi-layered and multi-level and are very difficult for mental comprehension. The gods were not affected by their demonization by the Abrahamic systems. It cannot affect them because there must be some type of relationship and interdependence between the Abrahamic …

How Did The Ancient Gods Suddenly Become Demons? (Video) Read More »


Runic Formula For Protection “Thor’s Hammer”. Mjolnir (Video)

Runic Formula For Protection “Thor’s Hammer”. Mjolnir (Video)

The classic formula of god Thor is called “Thor’s Hammer”. Thurisaz – Teiwaz – Thurisaz, and it is indeed called ‘Mjölnir’ also known as ‘Thor’s hammer’. Two very powerful runes, one of which belongs to Tyr, and two belong to Thor. It’s double of Thor’s power. Tyr will awaken the inner truth, and Thor will …

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