
Lifepaths Consolidation

Lifepaths Consolidation

Those who follow the path of magic will never throw away something as precious as experience. After all, experience is the most valuable thing a mage has, and values should not be thrown away, but multiplied.

The technique that students learn in this seminar gives them the ability to create an additional increase in their existential volume out of regret for what has not been done.



4d course. Control. Configuration of Space

And to this moment, the possibilities of magical transformation of reality and space structuring through the control of connections within the proto-foundations (their projections) are being revealed to the consciousness that had passed through preliminary training.


proto foundation


In the main course, the theory of proto-foundations is taught. Research is conducted on the projection of these proto-foundations in consciousness, identifying the connections between them and determining the degree of informational content of the proto-foundations up to this point. This is the starting point, a diagnostic of the informational readiness of consciousness for the necessary transformation.


Elemental Realms. Cognition

Elemental Realms. Cognition

This course involves a deep immersion into elemental realms, developing the ability to perceive elemental components in various elemental combinations, conducting research into the possibilities and effects of each elemental layer.


Basics of Healing

The Basics of Healing

In this workshop, students acquire knowledge of diagnostic principles and develop their own “individual map of disease recognition.” Nature gives birth to very few true healers, and this is a great gift. Not everyone is destined to be born with this gift, but every novice mage must master the basic skills of diagnostics. Through the elements, not only self-healing is possible, but also the healing of others by changing the elemental balance in their consciousness.


water element

Water Element

In magical practices, the Water element is used for transmitting information through time, as well as for harnessing Chaos energies for the global shaping of reality at any given moment: be it in the past, present, or future. Logic would suggest that in the body and consciousness, the Water element is capable of doing the same.
