Current of Health

The Current of Health

The Current of Health

The current of health is the power that activates the natural mechanism of self-regulation, cell renewal and overall rejuvenation of the body.

Despite what the medical and health food industries tell us about proper lifestyle and diet, no one is completely safe from disease – not vegetarians, not athletes, not smokers, not meat eaters. Taking care of your health can help you stay healthy, but it is no guarantee that you will live long or that your health will not fail you at the worst possible moment.

In addition, we can often observe how hereditary diseases are passed on from parents to children.

Healthy genes and the right lifestyle are not enough. In order to have power and be able to pass it on to our descendants, we must be able to attract and work with the current of health.

In this seminar, the students learn the rules of attracting and controlling the current of health, the ways of its redistribution and its egregorial belonging.

The acquisition of skills at this level is based on practical field research.

Textbook for 6th course of the Main Department: Egregors and the system of controlling reality

Learning rules for the 6th course of Main Department: 

Admission: completion of the 6th course of the Main Department –3 Basics Lessons

Senior Courses Transition Guidelines

Interview guidelines 

Discuss the topic in the MAGIC UNITED forum

These seminars will be available in English soon! Stay tuned!

In order to participate in online group sessions or to purchase pre-recorded videos contact school coordinator Diana –

6th course of Main department consists of:

– 3 Basics Lessons. The Currents of Forces

Current of Health

Current of Money

Current of Fortune 

Current of  Power

Current of Knowledge 

Current of Love 

Current of Creation 
