
Rune Eihwaz

Rune Eihwaz

Rune Eihwaz Traditionally, the meaning of this rune is Yew, protection, and defense. Eihwaz defines qualities developed over a lifetime, qualities that allow one to understand, comprehend, and even change the given fate. However, this can only be done over time, through living life and gaining experience. The qualities described by the rune Eihwaz are …

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Rune Jera

Rune Jera

Rune Jera Traditionally, the rune Jera signifies “harvest” and “fertility.” This rune is the key and symbol of the world in which you and I live, a world to which we are bound and belong by the fact of our birth. This world is Midgard, the Middle World, the world of Humans. A fundamental feature …

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Rune Isa

Rune Isa

Rune Isa The symbolic meaning of the rune Isa is “Ice.” What exactly is ice? It’s frozen water. What was once moving has stopped under the influence of certain forces. It was liquid, and now it has solidified. It displayed its strength in flexibility, adaptability, and movement, but has now become solid, rigid, and static. …

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Rune Nauthiz (Naud)

Rune Nauthiz (Naud)

Rune Nauthiz (Naud) The rune Nauthiz symbolically represents “Need,” “Necessity,” and “Fate.” Experiencing necessity is an inherent human quality. As long as a person is alive, they will always need something, want something, and aspire to something. The words “need” and “necessity” are similar in meaning but differ in perception. Need is about suffering from …

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Rune Hagalaz

Rune Hagalaz

Rune Hagalaz The rune Hagalaz symbolically means “Hail.” It represents limitation.  The true interpretation of this rune is self-awareness, as evidenced by the rune’s configuration. It limits space to shift a person’s attention from their usual reactions to external objects to a space that relates to the person himself. This involves looking at the space …

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Rune Wunjo

Rune Wunjo

Rune Wunjo The rune Wunjo is symbolically interpreted as joy, happiness, and harmony. In the context of working with the runes of the first Aett—powers endowed within you—this rune symbolizes “the golden mean.” It teaches finding joy and happiness in everything around you, seeing the joy in achievements, and finding positivity and seeing the effects …

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Rune Gebo

Rune Gebo

Rune Gebo The meaning of the rune Gebo is “Gift and Sacrifice,” partnership, compensation. It is a powerful rune, traditionally used for attracting luck and establishing and harmonizing partnerships.  The rune Gebo symbolizes the World of Gods—Asgard, the universal law of Equilibrium which governs all other worlds. It operates everywhere, encompassing the Worlds entirely. But …

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Rune Kenaz

Rune Kenaz

Rune Kenaz(Keno) The rune Kenaz symbolically represents light, a mystical torch, unveiling. Any energy, if not controlled, brings destruction. But controlled energy becomes a principle of creation. Fire can warm a home hearth, fuel a forge in a blacksmith shop, or it can burn an entire forest or serve as a funeral pyre. Kenaz, the …

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Rune Raidho

Rune Raidho

The traditional meaning of the rune Raidho is horse riding, wheel, and road. Rune Raidho Raidho — the rune of life’s path, describing a person’s life. It suggests that understanding the purpose of human actions is achieved through movement, through dynamics, that is, over time. Time is a complex concept. It is objective for everyone …

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Rune Ansuz

Rune Ansuz

Rune Ansuz — The Rune of Knowledge Rune Ansuz — The Rune of Knowledge Ansuz is the rune of informational flow, traditionally named “mouth of the river”, a place where one stream flows into another, symbolizing the mixing of water currents of information. Ansuz is associated with the god Odin, who brought the runes to …

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