Negative Situations as a Resource

Negative Situations as a Resource

Negative Situations as a Resource

Causal body

The seminar of the 4th course. Causal Body.

The Negative Situations as a Resource seminar allows those who follow the path of magic to gain a significant advantage over other people. Inside a situation it is very difficult to evaluate it objectively, to look at it from different points of view. Especially if the situation only evokes negative emotions.

Circumstances can throw a person out of his daily routine and at that moment it seems that the whole world is against him and nobody needs him. But this is the point of view of a weak person who lives according to the life scenario written in his mind.

A mage will never fall for such a subjective and pathetic attitude to his own experience. Because he knows that every situation in life can undoubtedly be useful, even if it is fatal, terrible and sad from the point of view of an ordinary person. Because an ordinary person evaluates his experience only in terms of the emotions and sensations he has experienced, whether they are pleasant or unpleasant.

A mage will evaluate any (!) situation from the point of view of studying cause-and-effect relationships.

And of course he will try to make the most of every situation – for himself, for his experience, for his existential volume.

Every situation can be evaluated in different ways. The misfortune of an ordinary man is that he evaluates only the effect, using only one standard method, and seldom touches the cause. A mage evaluates not only the cause, but also the effect, and does so in a completely different way. Thus, an ordinary person forms only one algorithm of the future development of events and becomes rigidly bound to it. A mage forms several algorithms and is not bound to them at all.

One who follows the magical path of self-transformation must have in his arsenal a tool that allows him to see the benefit in everything. This will strengthen his abilities and give him a significant increase in existential volume.

Acquiring this tool, implementing it in the consciousness and perfecting this program is the purpose of this seminar.

Textbook for the course  “Karma – The Law Of Cause And Effect”

Admission: completion of the 3 basic lessons of the 4rd Main course 

Duration: 3 hours.


Senior Courses Transition Guidelines

Most frequently asked questions from students

These seminars will be available in English soon! Stay tuned!

In order to participate in online group sessions or to purchase pre-recorded videos contact school coordinator Diana –

4th course of the Main Department consists of:

– 3 Basics Lessons⇒

– The seminars of the 4th course (only available after completion of the 3 basic lessons of the 4th Main course)

Anti-Karmic Program⇒

Lifepaths Consolidation⇒

Negative Situations as a Resource⇒

Working with Habits⇒

Working with Time⇒

Bloodlines. Part 1⇒

Bloodlines. Part 2⇒

Formation of Positive and Landmark Events⇒
