Time on our planet depends on the sun and the stars, on the physical laws that exist on Gaia, and all who live here are also affected by these laws. But external time is an external factor. There is also an internal factor.  And that factor is the internal biological clock.

Working with Time

Working with Time

Causal body

The seminar of the 4th course. Causal Body.

Legends and myths tell us that even the almighty gods were dependent on time and could not change its course. We are not gods, of course, but we can try to influence it.

Time on our planet depends on the sun and the stars, on the physical laws that exist on Gaia, and all who live here are also affected by these laws. But external time is an external factor. There is also an internal factor.  And that factor is the internal biological clock.

You’ve probably noticed that people of the same biological age can look different. Some people age quickly and become a wreck, just living their lives. Others seem to be ‘stuck in time’ – both externally and internally. That’s because their internal clocks run very differently.

Internal biological clocks do not depend on the stars and the laws of nature, they depend only on our consciousness. Therefore, those who follow the path of magical transformation of themselves are simply forced to manage their internal clock to speed up or slow down the passage of time according to their desires and needs.

The internal biological clock can be sped up, slowed down and reversed. In this case, the external time is still running, but the internal time is changing. As a result, the biological age also changes, which is very important for magic – the body should work; it should help, not distract.

The internal biological clock depends on a factor of consciousness called SPIRIT. What it is and how to learn to control and strengthen it will be revealed in this seminar.

Textbook for the course  “Karma – The Law Of Cause And Effect”

Admission: completion of the 3 basic lessons of the 4rd Main course 

Duration: 3 hours.


Senior Courses Transition Guidelines

Most frequently asked questions from students

These seminars will be available in English soon! Stay tuned!

In order to participate in online group sessions or to purchase pre-recorded videos contact school coordinator Diana – diana@mage.school

4th course of the Main Department consists of:

– 3 Basics Lessons⇒

– The seminars of the 4th course (only available after completion of the 3 basic lessons of the 4th Main course)

Anti-Karmic Program⇒

Lifepaths Consolidation⇒

Negative Situations as a Resource⇒

Working with Habits⇒

Working with Time⇒

Bloodlines. Part 1⇒

Bloodlines. Part 2⇒

Formation of Positive and Landmark Events⇒
