The Current of Health
The current of health is the power that activates the natural mechanism of self-regulation, cell renewal and overall rejuvenation of the body
The current of health is the power that activates the natural mechanism of self-regulation, cell renewal and overall rejuvenation of the body
In the 6th main course The Currents of Forces, students determine the source of the currents of forces, learn the laws of the distribution of the currents of forces, and build these currents into an already formed personal egregore.
The Goal Setting via Personal Egregore seminar is the final seminar of the 5th Course, where students master the ability to quickly make connections with energy-information structures that interest them. The main task is to establish adequate energy exchange and to achieve results almost immediately.
The consciousness of a mage must be protected and properly represented in the general informational field. For this purpose, it is necessary to create a “representation” of one’s consciousness in the egregorial environment of this world – a personal egregor of a person.
It is important not only to create an informational structure in a correct way, but also to establish an energy exchange with the egregors, taking into account the understanding of the hierarchy and the rules of distribution of the currents of power.
The egregorial, informational structure of this world is based on a rigid hierarchy of egregors. This hierarchy determines the subordination of the younger egregorial structures to the older ones according to the “suzerain-vassal” relationships.
A mage is obliged to know the hierarchical structure of this world, firstly in order not to inadvertently violate the rules of relationship building and the hierarchy of connections (in order not to get what is called “backlash”), and secondly in order to more effectively achieve his goals in the human world.
In the Strengthening the Dead Space of the System seminar we develop the tools of system defence. We clearly define our enemies and implement them into the program. And work with the system of geis – ritual rules and actions that strengthen the system and the core.
During the Strengthening the Live Space of the System seminar, students coordinate the tools necessary to achieve the goals in the system, learn to determine the true price of each resource, to attract and give them away correctly, to develop an understanding of the true owner of this or that resource in order to protect themselves from “overpaying.”
Tools of egregorial influence are those resources and opportunities which are necessary for a mage for faster and better realisation of the goals and tasks prescribed in his system. A mage should have many tools, such as money, power, love, connections, the ability to make contacts, and the ability to think clearly when others panic…
The core of the personal egregore is the place where the basic law of existence of the person and the purpose of his life are prescribed. They must be absolutely clear and accepted. This is where the existential volume is fixed and from here the connections arise. The strength of the core determines the strength of the whole system.
In this seminar, students work thoroughly with the system they have created and correct their agreement. Students recognise the values and beliefs that are in conflict with their system and saturate with energy those elements of their consciousness that support the value and law of their system.