Main department

Bloodlines. Part 1

The aim of the Bloodlines Seminar is to harmonise both branches of the family, to connect with and gain the support of the egregor of one’s own kin and family, and to activate the memory of the bloodline.


Formation of Positive and Landmark Events

The aim of this seminar is to establish a two-way communication with the world using the tools available to the practitioner: feelings, words, signals, cues. It is important to remember that this world does not understand English words. It does understand the universal language, the basics of which the students will learn in this lesson, along with the ability to create the desired event through such a dialogue with the world.


Time on our planet depends on the sun and the stars, on the physical laws that exist on Gaia, and all who live here are also affected by these laws. But external time is an external factor. There is also an internal factor.  And that factor is the internal biological clock.

Working with Time

Time on our planet depends on the sun and the stars, on the physical laws that exist on Gaia, and all who live here are also affected by these laws. But external time is an external factor. There is also an internal factor.  And that factor is the internal biological clock.


Working with Habits

In this seminar students will become aware of their habits and break the karmic chains that are based on them.
This work is both hard and easy. The hardest part is recognising the first three habits, but after that it goes like clockwork. After all, one habit is the cause of another, which is the cause of the next. All habits are connected with each other by an energy-informational web. And if this web becomes rigid enough, then a person’s destiny is predetermined.


Negative Situations as a Resource

Negative Situations as a Resource

The Negative Situations as a Resource seminar allows those who follow the path of magic to gain a significant advantage over other people. Inside a situation it is very difficult to evaluate it objectively, to look at it from different points of view. Especially if the situation only evokes negative emotions.


Lifepaths Consolidation

Lifepaths Consolidation

Those who follow the path of magic will never throw away something as precious as experience. After all, experience is the most valuable thing a mage has, and values should not be thrown away, but multiplied.

The technique that students learn in this seminar gives them the ability to create an additional increase in their existential volume out of regret for what has not been done.


“Intricacies of Fate or What dimension do you live in?”

“Intricacies of Fate or What Dimension Do You Live In?” is not just the textbook for the 1st course of the Main Department of the Menshikova School. It is a profound guide to understanding the mysteries of life and our place within it. It offers a holistic approach to self-discovery and empowerment, touching on topics such as fate, consciousness transformation, and the workings of the universe.


Controlling the Energy of Your Thought

Textbook to the 3rd course (Mental body) of the Main Department of the Menshikova School.
At the core of this intricate tapestry lies the Mental body, a reflection of our innermost thoughts and beliefs. “Controlling the Energy of Your Thought” empowers you to harness the transformative power of your thoughts, enabling you to reshape your reality and unlock the latent potential hidden within your subconscious mind.
