RUNES department

Rune Ehwaz

Rune Ehwaz

The rune Ehwaz symbolizes freedom in all aspects and grants you the right to move in any direction and achieve results everywhere. Like Sleipnir with eight legs, like the wind blowing from eight directions, like the rose of the winds — balanced, accessible, open — so too does the rune Ehwaz allow you to understand and realize your divine nature within yourself.


Rune Berkana

Rune Berkana

Rune Berkana. Its traditional meaning is a birch twig. It symbolizes feminine strength — flexible yet always whole.
A birch twig can be bent, twisted in any way, but it is very difficult to break.


Rune Teiwaz

Rune Teiwaz

Tiwaz is the rune of the Warrior, the one who fights for their own justice, not someone else’s, for the right to have their own truth in life, rather than conforming to someone else’s due to a lack of their own.


Rune Sowilo

Rune Sowilo

Rune Sowilo (Sol) The traditional meaning of the rune Sowilo is the sun, vitality, wholeness. This rune combines all the knowledge, all the understanding, and all the skills you have acquired while studying the runes. It is in this sense that the concept of wholeness resonates here. The rune Sowilo will help you realize all …

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Rune Algiz

Rune Algiz

Rune Algiz Its traditional meaning: sedge, protection, patronage. The goal and task in studying this rune is to establish and develop a connection with your protector, guardian, or patron. Thoughts that appear suddenly. Insights seemingly from nowhere. The help and memory of your ancestors and lineage. All of this serves as an additional source of …

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Rune Perthro

Rune Perthro

Rune Perthro Its symbolic meaning: lot, mystery, initiation. A pouch for storing runes. The mysteries of the future and the secrets of fate have always enticed humans more than anything else. But how to unravel the intricate threads of cunning fate? How to attract and keep fickle luck close? These questions have always been shrouded …

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Rune Eihwaz

Rune Eihwaz

Rune Eihwaz Traditionally, the meaning of this rune is Yew, protection, and defense. Eihwaz defines qualities developed over a lifetime, qualities that allow one to understand, comprehend, and even change the given fate. However, this can only be done over time, through living life and gaining experience. The qualities described by the rune Eihwaz are …

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Rune Jera

Rune Jera

Rune Jera Traditionally, the rune Jera signifies “harvest” and “fertility.” This rune is the key and symbol of the world in which you and I live, a world to which we are bound and belong by the fact of our birth. This world is Midgard, the Middle World, the world of Humans. A fundamental feature …

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