
About The Astral Body And The Astral Realm

About The Astral Body And The Astral Realm

Studying at the second main course, a question arose: what is the difference between the Astral body and the Astral realm? How strong are the boundaries of the Astral body? I realize that cleansing is helpful, and I can see the results, but as someone passionate, I want to refrain from cleansing a space that is not my own.. How can I feel the boundaries between my Astral space and others? Probably, the information escapes my attention and in general, the topic of what is and isn’t mine is the key to working out in this life


"Why is the church so opposed to cremation?

Why is the church so opposed to cremation?

Why is the church so opposed to cremation? Our ancestors didn’t have any burial grounds, the bodies used to get burned, whereas now there are huge areas covered with cemeteries which is not pleasing at all. Also is it true that a part of a person’s soul is tied to the burial site until the remains are decomposed?


Is atheism a religion

Is atheism a religion? What is the religion of the future?

Atheism is a very interesting construct, it is the denial of all gods as systemically important Forces. The atheist believes that the human mind is the only system-forming Force. Therefore, atheism, if we can call it a religion, is the religion of the God-man, when a man himself becomes a god without relying on the experience of any other deity, treating gods as a historical phenomenon.


How the egregorial world controls your goals

How the egregorial world controls your goals

Egregore is the fiefdom of the Buddhic Body. It represents an independent inanimate formation, but highly informational, which performs a controlling function to the Causal body (the body of experience and chains of cause-and-effect relationships). The Causal body predetermines that the time flowing through the consciousness of every living being will be directed in a certain way.
