
How did the ancient gods suddenly become demons? Thouthankd years of demonization of gods. Pagan consciousness. Ancient gods. Gods are universe-scale minds.

How Did The Ancient Gods Suddenly Become Demons?

“What are the effects of two thousand years of demonization of some gods on their manifestation, essence, and their vibrational characteristics? For example, many years of consecutive celebration of the New Year turn it into a ritual in some way, and this date acquires an energy potential as well as a sacred sense”…


How do you know then you've found your god? Algorithm of finding your god. Looking for your god. Menshikova School. Projection of your god. Legends. Your technical task.

How Do You Know When You’ve Found Your God?

It’s difficult to confuse your own god with any other, and if there’s any doubt, then it’s definitely not the right one. After reading legends about your god you suddenly realize that it fully coincides with your own biography. And when you understand this, life ceases to be the same…


A Dream About The End Of Days

Within our Mental consciousness, our worldview, the transition is commonly associated with the fact of dying, death, or any other type of transformation that would somehow inevitably affect biological existence.

From what age is it possible to start education at the Menshikova School

From What Age Is It Possible To Start Education At The Menshikova School?

“From what age is it possible to use school techniques for changing one’s consciousness? Is there an optimal age in order to obtain the best effect? Or does it all depend on the person’s intent and working capacity?”
If we change something, we have something to change. And this means that we are talking about the period when consciousness was already formed. At what age is the consciousness being formed? Well, this age is different for everyone.