
About The Menshikova Library

At all times, people who, by their position and status, could afford to collect a private library did not limit themselves to a simple accumulation of books. They made this activity a cult, creating not only collections of rare volumes but also unique places to store these treasures.


"Why is the church so opposed to cremation?

Why is the church so opposed to cremation?

Why is the church so opposed to cremation? Our ancestors didn’t have any burial grounds, the bodies used to get burned, whereas now there are huge areas covered with cemeteries which is not pleasing at all. Also is it true that a part of a person’s soul is tied to the burial site until the remains are decomposed?


Samhain. November 1st. Waning of the Earth Element. The Night of Veles. Celtic foliday Samhain. Sauin. Pahan holidays on the Wheel of the Year. The Night of the Spirits.

Samhain. The Wheel of the Year. Pagan Holidays

Starting with this day the Earth element falls asleep for six months. The force of the elements is becoming quieter and quieter, and it can no longer exercise its will on what is happening to all its children. On the night of Samhain the veil between the human world and the dark world of the dead rises, and our worlds approach each other to the point that a mutual influence becomes possible with no restrictions.


The Wheel of the Year.

The Wheel of the Year. Pagan Holidays.

All four elements during the calendar year (the Wheel of Year) go through the stages of falling asleep and awakening, thus forming eight fixed points – the points of power during which transition takes place, the elemental reconstruction of space. The ritualistic tradition of the Slavs and the Celts was designed for the attuning of the human consciousness to the realm of natural forces during the moments of transition – and in this regard, they were able to perfect it.


Mabon. Ovsen. September 20-23. The Autumn Equinox. Pagan Holidays on the Wheel of the Year. Waning of the Water element. Celtic Festivity.

Mabon. (Ovsen). The Wheel of the Year. Pagan Holidays.

From this day on, in the world of nature, the waning of the Water Element begins. The combination of Air and Water gives motion to the current of time, but from the moment the Air starts to wane, it becomes as if slower, and the decrease of the activity of the Water Element seems to stop it altogether. The myth of the birth and becoming of a young god shows that his journey in search of power and experience takes him away from this world. 


Lammas (Lughnasadh). August 1. Waning of the Air element. Harvest festival, a farewell to Summer. The Wheel of the Year. Pagan Holidays.

Lughnasadh (Lammas). The Wheel of the Year. Pagan Holidays.

Lammas is the time when all the elements are at their maximum. It is the most propitious time for the growth of the young force, this is the time of the god’s healthy childhood. There is no need for anything, all the Forces are in abundance and concerted with each other. There is no need for anything, all the Forces are in abundance and concerted with each other.
