The system of education at the Menshikova School includes both asynchronous and online group learning, as well as a combination of these two formats. Those who wish to acquire knowledge using the school’s methods can choose the format and pace of their studies. There are rules for each department and course that are dictated by the methodology. Before placing an order please read the rules for each course or department carefully.
There is a recommended minimum time frame for passing the courses. Until then, a student is not admitted for an interview:
– After the 1st Main course (Etheric body) admission to the 2nd Main course (Astral Body) can be obtained no earlier than in 1.5 months.
– Studying the 2nd course of the Main Department (Astral body) takes at least 2.5 months
– Studying the 3d course of the Main Department (Mental body) – at least 4 months
– Studying the 4th course of the Main Department (Causal body) – at least 6 months
– Studying the 5th course of the Main Department (Buddhic body) – at least 1.5 years
– Studying the 1st course of the Elements Department – at least 6 months
– Studying the 1st course of the Runes Department – at least 9 months (a break between the Initiation and an interview for the 2nd Rune course – 3 months)
– Studying the 2nd course of the Runes Department ( Runes and Gods) – at least 6 months for each of the 5 stages
– Studying the 1st сourse of the Tarot Department ( Major Arcana): a break between the Arcanas XVI and XVII, X and IX – at least 3 weeks.
– A Break between the I Major Arcanum and the Interview for the 2nd course of Tarot (Minor Arcana) – at least 1 month
You can apply to the following seminars without a preliminary interview. Admission: no prerequisites required.
1st course of the Main Department “Liberation of consciousness”: Etheric Body
The additional seminars of the 1st course (only available after completion of the 4 basic lessons of the 1st Main course):
- The Augmentation of the Etheric body
- Correction of the Prenatal Development
- Chakral Breathing
- Energetic Damage
- Money-1: Energetic prosperity levels
- Health Through the Power of the Elements
- The Power of the Totem
– Adequate energy exchange
– The Power of bloodline
– Goals and values
– Magic: Q&A
– General Theory of Magic
All other seminars require an appropriate level of preparation, namely:
2nd course of the Main Department “Liberation of consciousness”: Astral Body
- Main course. 4 Basics Lessons. Astral body.
The additional seminars of the 1st course (only available after completion of the 4 basic lessons of the 1st Main course):
- Diagnostics and Correction of the Astral Body Damage (AB Cleansing)
- Specific Astral Body Cleansing, Various Topics
- Emotional Hygiene. Emotional Meditation Technique
- Money-2. Fear of Money
- Dreaming. Astral Projection
- Astral Interactions
3d course of Main department “Liberation of consciousness”: Mental Body
The additional seminars of the 3rd course (only available after completion of the 3 basic lessons of the 3rd Main course):
- Parsing of Rigid Mental Constructions
- Money-3. Mental Constructions
- Mental Body as a Mirror of One’s Inner World
- Connection Between Thinking and Behaviour Patterns
- Mental Plane: Reading and Programming.
4th course of Main department “Liberation of consciousness”: Causal Body
The additional seminars of the 4th course (only available after completion of the 3 basic lessons of the 4th Main course):
- Anti-Karmic Programme
- Lifelines Consolidation
- Working with Time
- Negative Situations as a Resource
- Blood Lines. Part 1
- Blood Lines. Part 2
- Working with Habits
- Formation of Positive and Landmark Events.
5th course of Main department “Liberation of consciousness”: Buddhic Body
- Main course. 6 Basics Lessons.
Buddhic body.
The additional seminars of the 5th course (only available after completion of the 6 basic lessons of the 5th Main course):
- Nucleus Strengthening
- Strengthening the Body of the System
- Strengthening the Living Space of the System
- Strengthening the Dead Space of the System
- The Egregorial Structure of the World. Contract. Search for your God.
- Personal Egregor Creation
- Goals setting through the Personal Egregor
6th course of Main department “Liberation of consciousness”: The Currents of Power
- Main course. 3 Basics Lessons.
The Currents of Power.
The additional seminars of the 5th course (only available after completion of the 3 basic lessons of the 6th Main course):
- Current of Health
- Current of Money
- Current of Fortune
- Current of Rule
- Current of Knowledge
- Current of Love
- Current of Creation
1st course of Elements Department: Power of the Elements.
- Main course. 3 Basics Lessons. Power of the Elements.
- Element of Earth
- Element of Fire
- Element of Water
- Element of Air
- Air-Water Horizontal. Fire-Earth Vertical
- Cross of the Elements
- Basics of healing
2nd course of Elements Department: Realms of the Elements.
- Main course. 3 Basics Lessons. Realms of the Elements.
- Physical realm
- Etheric realm
- Astral realm
- Mental realm
- Causal realm
- Buddhic realm
- Atmic realm
3d course of Elements Department: Proto- Foundations of consciousness.
The 3d course of the Elements department consists of several parts: Basic lessons and three circles of proto-foundations.
Runes department:
1st Runes course: Elder Futhark
2nd Runes course: Runes and Gods
3d Runes course: Runes and Elements
Tarot department:
1st Tarot course – Major Arcana
2nd Tarot course – Minor Arcana