
How the egregorial world controls your goals

How the egregorial world controls your goals

Egregore is the fiefdom of the Buddhic Body. It represents an independent inanimate formation, but highly informational, which performs a controlling function to the Causal body (the body of experience and chains of cause-and-effect relationships). The Causal body predetermines that the time flowing through the consciousness of every living being will be directed in a certain way.


Questions from students on "The Power of the Bloodline"course

Questions from students on “The Power of the Bloodline”course

During my work with the course “The Power of the Bloodline”, the following questions came up. If the family branches are divided between two countries, but the communication still exists, does this mean that there will only be one regina for both branches or will each country have its own regina? 200 years ago my ancestors moved to Russia, and during the War in the 90’s most of them went to Germany”.




Usually neither scholars nor admirers of Norse myth define or describe Kvasir as a god, labeling him only as a character in the myth – “the wise man Kvasir”. However, his Force is a complete and full-fledged program, capable (in potential) of independent world-creation.



What is the meaning of rituals and what are their benefits?

“The one who is following  the path of seeking witchcraft knowledge, perhaps, should pay attention not so much to rituals, but to establishing contact with the Forces. How can this be done? How important is the ritual itself to those masters whose contact with the Forces is long-standing and solid? Rituals that are posted for example, on the site “Black Magic and Runes”, some of them seem empty, and some of them I read with pleasure”. 



Magic Of Elements: The Element of Water

“If the magic of Water is chaos, then what is the magic of Air, Fire and Earth? Water has been capricious for the past week, constant problems with water appliances, they are leaking, not working, clogged. Does this mean there is too much Water in my system or is it the other way round: Water is trying to get to me but it can’t?”


The Path ‘Laborer – Merchant – Warrior’. Unlocking Your Magical Potential (Video)

The Path ‘Laborer – Merchant – Warrior’. Unlocking Your Magical Potential (Video)

The Path ‘Laborer – Merchant – Warrior’. Unlocking Your Magical Potential So, look, Hagalaz recommended that you bring your Mental body in order, sort out your books. And Nautiz clearly showed you that if you do everything correctly and if your own chaos that you let inside yourself would be correctly perceived by you, then …

The Path ‘Laborer – Merchant – Warrior’. Unlocking Your Magical Potential (Video) Read More »


True Woman

Do you ever feel like you are dissolving in the surrounding world and all your attemts draw attention to yourself end up in failure? It is about time to remember the old unwritten rule: “Every problem has a cause. Once you find the cause – you will solve the problem”. This book is magical. You …

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